What a week…

I find it slightly ironic that when I finally decide to start a blog, I get busier than ever at work.  This week was such a blur and included 14 hours of overtime and very little food and sleep. Needless to say, this three day weekend could not have come at a better time.  Forgive me if this post is a bit scattered…a  lot has happened this past week and I don’t quite have all my ducks in a row just yet.

D lost his job earlier this week. We are remaining as optimistic as possible and I think he will find something very quickly considering the number of recommendations and referrals he already has.  We are truly thanking God for the amazing network of friends and family that we have that are always willing to step in and help out when we are in need.  We continue to pray every day that something comes his way so we can smoothly move into this next chapter.

 Work for me was jam packed with stressful days but thanks to my amazing fiance, I’ve been able to put things in perspective. I think I’m getting a lot of positive exposure at work right now and working with some senior execs within the company.  This particular project has not gone very smoothly just yet but they are confident in my ability to help out with the project and I know I can make it work.  Mistakes will happen and I’m working on not being so hard on myself about every little thing…I am human after all!

All I need is some quality time with my boys (D and Capone) to really put things back in perspective.  Our family is what matters. Our health and happiness take priority.  There will be rough days in this crazy little life but as long as we keep our focus on our overall well-being, the little things will truly fall into place.  That is my mantra this week and I will continue to say it to myself throughout the crazy days because I know happier ones are just around the corner.

Speaking of…I got to try on my bridesmaids dress for my future brother and sister-in-laws wedding that is in just over a month.  I love it so much!  And it’s truly a dress I can wear again which I thank her for. I know I will be comfortable and confident while standing up with them on the beach in St. Thomas.  We take off in one month from tomorrow!  Luckily we already had this trip paid for so it will be a nice, relaxing vacation with some of our favorite people.

D is letting me decorate for Christmas early this year since we will be gone for almost 10 days in the month of December and I like to enjoy the holiday decor as long as I can. 🙂

Anyway, I hope any of you readers out there are having a wonderful weekend.  Keep your loved ones close and remember that they are what matters!


Trish Felecos

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