
This weekend was…interesting…to say the least.  Let’s just say one day we were eating our weight in cupcakes, the next we were cheering the Broncos on to a big win, and then fast forward to Sunday night and D and I sitting in the VA Hospital ER so D could get 6 staples in his chin.  This long weekend certainly wasn’t everything we expected it to be, but we got a lot of good things done and thankfully D is on the mend, so here is a bit of a recap of our 3-day weekend 🙂

Saturday was an awesome day.  My sister and I had some girl time and went to a movie.  We saw American Hustle and it was definitely entertaining!  Then we headed to our friend Marie’s and tried 6 different amazing cupcake flavors for the wedding!

Chocolate cupcake with marshmallow cream and chocolate ganash

 Toffee Nut Crunch Cupcake
Tres Leches Cupcake with Cinnamon Frosting

 Top: Triple Berry Cupcake, Bottom: Strawberry Champagne Cupcake

Not pictured: Italian Canoli Cupcake 

Marie out did herself yet again.  The cupcakes were absolutely amazing.  We think we narrowed it down to 4 different flavors for the wedding.  We also need to decide what flavor we want our wedding cake to be, but this is definitely one of the more fun decisions that I’m enjoying!

Saturday night, Dennis went to work and I hung out with the pup and watched cheesy movies 🙂

Sunday I went wedding dress shopping with one of my absolute best friends and we found the one!   We had such a nice, relaxing morning and she and I celebrated with a yummy glass of sangria when we finished up shopping.  I headed home afterwards to watch the Broncos kick some Patriots butt!  We are so excited for the Super Bowl!

Sunday night was when things got a little intense.  Long story short, D tried to help break up a fight at the bar we were at and someone slammed their glass into his chin.  After waiting to give his statement to the police, I took him down to the VA hospital.  They put 6 staples in his chin and a bunch of skin glue to keep everything together.  I felt so awful for him.  They didn’t numb his chin at all.  The doc said it would take up to 6 shots to numb the whole area and he typically just recommends the people “tough it out” and get it over with.  My man is certainly tough but he was definitely in a lot of pain.  He’s feeling a little bit better today and hopefully he can get the staples taken out in a week!

Today we went and checked out some wedding invitations, found Dennis’ wedding ring!, and watched Love Actually while snuggled up on the couch.  D had to head to work a little bit ago and I am rounding out the evening painting my nails and watching TV. {‘Big Spender’ by Etsy is my new fav!}. I hope you all are having a wonderful Monday evening! Back to reality for this girl tomorrow.


Trish Felecos

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