I have found some of my absolute favorite blogs and inspiration through the Five on Friday link-up.  I’ve been reading them for forever and today I am finally linking up myself!

One of my very favorite things about working in the banking industry is the 10 paid holidays that we get throughout the year, one of which is Martin Luther King Jr. Day {1.20.14}.  We have a lot on the agenda for our long weekend, and here is a little sneak peek:

ONE- Find the tux!:  Mission accomplished today after work!  We went to Al’s Formal Wear to check out tuxes for the handsome men of the wedding and we were very successful.  We have some unique ideas for the guys outfits that stray a bit from the traditional white shirt, colored tie/vest idea, so we’re really excited to start seeing these ideas come to fruition!

TWO- Look at more rings for my groom:  We plan on heading to some jewelry stores tomorrow morning to scope out more ideas for D’s ring.  He wants a little bling and he has lots of opinions about the ring so this may take some time. 😉  
THREE- Movie date with my sis:  Jen and I are going to go see ‘American Hustle’ tomorrow afternoon and I am really excited for a low key sister date!

FOUR- CUPCAKE TASTING!!!:  I am beyond excited to go to our great friend Marie’s and test out a million different cupcake flavors!  She is making our wedding cake and cupcakes for the wedding and the flavor ideas she has come up with have me counting the minutes until I can slowly slip into a sugar coma.  {Click the link below to check out her Facebook page!}

FIVE-  Broncos game and night out with friends:  The Broncos are going to kick some Patriots butt on Sunday and D and I are having a couple of people over to watch the game with us and cheer on our beloved team.  Sunday night we plan on going out to one of our favorite bars with some friends for some much-needed catch up time.  We have Monday off and I am definitely looking forward to taking advantage of the extra day!

Tonight I am relaxing with Capone while D is at work and hoping to get plenty of R&R before our busy and fun-filled weekend!

Happy Friday all! 🙂


Trish Felecos

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