Five on Friday: Frozen Solid, $$$, Coffee is happiness

Get ready for a whole lot of random…I’ve been MIA for a few days and I’ve got random things I’d like to fill you in on and there is just no better place to do it then here for FIVE ON FRIDAY!  Some of my favorite blogger ladies started this gem of a linkup so you should go check them out. {Natasha, Darci, Christina}


Uno– I know that it’s cold all over the country and I know that it’s quickly becoming old news but it is seriously so freezing it’s making me want to move away! Nearly every night D and I fantasize about moving to the South…now I know that even the South is experiencing some of this bitter cold winter business, but at least it’s not the norm for them. For now, we are hunkered down under blankets wearing multiple pairs of socks and praying that the temperature can just rise above freezing, if only for a day or two…or thousand.

Dos– Moving on to warmer things…my friend Vic at work treated me yesterday with a Caramel Flan Latte made with soy milk from Starbucks and holy crap was it a life changer! I am sort of a creature of habit when it comes to my coffee. I have a few staple drink options that I stick to because I know I like them and I’m not really willing to fork over $4 for something I may hate. I recently moved offices and now Vic and I are on the same floor so we decided that she’d treat to coffee yesterday, and I would treat today. Best choice we’ve made this week. I don’t really need an excuse to go to Starbucks but having one made me feel a little less guilty.  🙂

Tres//Quatro– Throughout my life I’ve faced various degrees of financial stress. I am a stress ball on a regular day, but get me talking about budgets, and saving, and planning for the future, and buying a house, etc. etc. etc. and I get myself all worked up in a tizzy. Not one of my finer qualities here people. However, no matter how much I’ve stressed over the years, things have always worked out. {We plan, God laughs} I’ve either been able to get more hours at work, or I’ve received money in the mail from a family member out of the blue, etc. I’m telling you, my grandmother has an amazing sense of when people are struggling. She sent me a letter and check in college one time that basically said she just had a feeling I could use some help. At the time I was in a panic about how I was going to make rent without having to suck up my pride and call my parents so her check meant WAY more to me than its monetary value. And it renewed my faith that things really will work out, not always how we plan, but work out nonetheless.

Anyway, this week a small favor-turned-business-opportunity fell into our laps from my old boss. He asked me if D would have time to fly to Rapid City, SD, pick up a car of his, and drive it back to Boulder. Easy peasy and can be done in one day. They will pay for flight, gas, food, etc. and then pay him a generous fee for the day’s work. This was probably the third thing in the course of three months that has happened exactly when we needed it to. When D got laid off in November, I knew we could make it through January before money would be extremely tight and we’d have to risk going into more debt. He got a job the third week into January. We also had some other things work out that are helping us to build up our emergency savings and help pay for our honeymoon that we have to have paid off by April. Then my Dad surprised me with a gift that is solely to be used for my bachelorette party events in May.

Cinco-I am so beyond thankful and blessed and I never take things like this for granted!  This week has been an exhausting one but a really really good one for me and D.  We celebrated our 2 year anniversary on Tuesday!  And today marks our 4 month countdown to the wedding!!!! IT IS COMING SO FAST!  I seriously cannot wait.  And our week long honeymoon in Jamaica is sounding really really good right now. 🙂

I hope you all are having a lovely Friday!


Trish Felecos

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