Five on Friday!! Preparing for March Madness

Divin right in today with a whole lotta random for today’s Five on Friday {Created by: Darci, Natasha, Christina, and April} to share some love….

One: 100 Day Countdown
Yesterday was our 100 day wedding countdown!  Nuf’ said.

Two: So Long February
This week flew by and I am so thankful for it! We have so many awesome things happening in March that I am more than ready to kiss February gooodbye. 

Three: Paradise FearsMy cousin Jordan is in an awesome band called Paradise Fears and they are playing at the Marquis tonight in Denver.  They are doing an entirely acoustic show and I am really excited to see it. I’ve seen them a million times and it never gets old…so proud of those boys!  Check them out here if you’re interested!

Four: Angry Orchard Green Apple
I loove me some Angry Orchard and when I found out they came out with a new flavor last weekend, I was begging D to pick some up for me earlier this week when I was having a rough day {think PMS x work stress x wedding stress x financial stress}.  I indulged in one last night after work in honor of Friday eve and it is just the perfect thing to wind down with after a long day!

Five: Weekend weekend weekend
Tomorrow night my sister and I are going to my friend Kristen and Jeff’s for dinner//to see their new house//to catch up after months of not seeing each other.  D unfortunately has Army and then work so he isn’t able to join us.  Kristen and Jeff are awesome … I unofficially officiated their wedding in Costa Rica last May so they hold a really special place in my heart! This is one of our only weekends that is semi-free in March so I’m looking forward to catching up on some wedding projects and preparing for my parents to be in town next weekend!  The guest room needs some serious attention and I’m actually motivated to get some stuff done so let’s hope that lasts me through Sunday night!

Happy weekend all!



Trish Felecos

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