Five on Friday!: Team Teddy Shout Out and love love love

Hello All!  I am joining in on this lovely Valentine’s Day Five on Friday {Created by: Darci, Natasha, Christina, and April} to share some love.

First up– I am so excited to give a shout out to #TeamTeddy today.  I read about Mary and Alex Fish’s story of their seven-month old adorable little boy Teddy a month or so ago and instantly found myself reading every single journal entry on their Caring Bridge site while tears fell onto my keyboard.  Today marks 3 months since they found out their little boy Teddy had Menkes Syndrome. Their story is nothing short of heartbreaking, and if you haven’t heard of Menkes {#FUmenkes} you can read more about their story here.  Their mission is to spread the word about this horrid syndrome so that other boys can be diagnosed early enough to have a fighting chance.  They are bound and determined to make sure that ‘Super Teddy’ is never forgotten so SPREAD THE WORD! And if you want to donate, head here!  Every little bit helps.

Second- Valentine’s cupcakes!  I am treating some of my lovely coworkers to some Valentine’s cupcakes today to celebrate a day dedicated to all things love.  I know some people are anti-Valentine’s day and I just don’t get it!  I’m not saying anyone should only do something special for their loved ones on Valentine’s day {I also don’t know anyone who would do that anyway!} but I don’t see anything wrong with having a special day dedicated to sharing the love and making people feel special.  There is NOTHING wrong with it in my book folks!

Third- Early Bird Special 🙂  D and I are going to take advantage of a gift card we got for Christmas and head to Texas Roadhouse for an early dinner tonight before he takes me to the airport.  If you’ve never been, they have the best rolls and cinnamon butter that I have ever hard.  SOOOO good.  I can’t wait to share some time with my man and fill up on delicious BBQ.

Fourth- Home sweeet home! Can’t wait to hop on a plane tonight and head home to South Dakota!  I had a nice long chat with my oldest sis tonight and she is generously willing to let me take my sweet baby niece out of her crib and snuggle her up the second I get home.  I am beyond excited to have 3 full days home with the fam, lovin’ on both of my beautiful nieces!!

Five- Car buying!!  I filled out some loan paperwork yesterday to apply for my very first car loan!  One of my very best friends needed to sell her car and it just so happens to be EXACTLY what I wanted.  The whole thing has been working out perfectly for both of us and I’m thrilled that the process is started!

I hope you all have a wonderful Friday/Valentine’s Day!


Trish Felecos

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