Family Time to the Max

One amazing thing about the last few months of this wedding mania is that I get to see my family all. the. time.  And I love it!  My parents were here last weekend and we got to enjoy an amazing tasting with our caterer.  I am SO excited that 3 Sons Italian Restaurant will be preparing the delicious feast for us and our guests.  The only thing we wish we could fit in is a quick nap between the dinner and dancing to recoup from all the pasta 😉

On Saturday night Dennis’ mom had a Mexican food feast for us, my parents, Dennis dad and step mom, his aunt, uncle, grandpa, brother, and my sister…it was quite the party and quite the food fest!  {Yes, the weekend really did revolve around food…}

Sunday was a true Sunday Funday.  We went to church, ate a big brunch at Sam’s Number 3 downtown Denver, and then headed to the Irish Rover to sit on the rooftop patio and enjoy some yummy drinks.  It was so nice to just relax and enjoy my family this weekend {and check a few things off the never ending to-do list} and I can’t wait to do more of that this coming weekend when we head to South Dakota for Ashlan’s baptism!

ALSO- I get my new car this weekend!  More on that debacle to come later this week 🙂


Trish Felecos

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