3 More Sleeps…

Since we first started dating, whenever D and I were going to be away from each other for more than 1 night {heck even if it was just 1 night} we would countdown the time until we would be together again in “sleeps”.  Well this time around we had to countdown 14 sleeps and letmetellyou it’s been rough!  We just got married 6 short weeks ago and we’ve been enjoying newlywed bliss so very much.  As much as this girl loves binge watching trashy TV shows and drinking wine while snuggling the puppy to death, there is only so much alone-time I can take before I start to get into a funk. 

To help get me out of this little funk I’m gonna do a little recap of some of the fun things I’ve done while I’ve been flyin solo the past week and a half.
I went to a Rockie’s game with two super awesome girlfriends.  We got to spend the afternoon melting in the hot hot sun and drinking lots of icy cold beer. It was perfect.  And this view…it never gets old.
I got to have dinner with another two of my favorite ladies and watch trashy MTV shows and hang out with one of the cuuutest boys I know.  Have you ever seen such an adorable batboy!?  I’m sure you haven’t.
 LOTS of puppy snuggles.  Like enough to get comments from D’s friends that they think I post 3x more about Capone when D is out of town.  #puppymomproblems
The furbaby and I have been on tons of walks and the other day we decided we’d park ourselves in the shade for a bit and just soak up the outdoors.  Bulldogs get overheated super fast so I have to be careful with him but he was pretty happy hanging out in the shade with me.  Not happy enough to cooperate with pictures, but whatcha gonna do.
“C’mon mom let’s get inside!”

 I ate a lot of delicious fresh fruit and drank my body weight in iced coffee.  I love summer.
Last night I went to a birthday party for one of D’s best friends.  I had an absolute blast and it was a nice distraction. I got to hang out with fantastic people that I don’t see nearly often enough and I got some serious baby snuggle time in which is priceless in my book.  D was brought up multiple times because everyone missed him and while the party was lots of fun, it was definitely lacking something without him there.  I sent him this picture to make sure he knew I was taking good care of his Godbaby.
We ate pizza, drank beer, went swimming, went hot tubbing, got thrown into said pool fully dressed, warmed up by the fire and overall had a fantastic evening.  
Tonight looks like this and I must say my heart is pretty happy.  We miss D something fierce and to cope, Capone does lots of snoring on the couch, and I drink wine and look at wedding pictures. To each their own. 🙂  
I hope you all are having a relaxing Sunday evening.  I am SO thankful I only work 4 days this week, D gets back Wednesday, and we head to Lake Mcconaughy this weekend to go camping for my man’s birthday.  
Cheers to 3 more sleeps!

Trish Felecos

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