We’re married!!

After over 500 days of counting down, our day had finally arrived!!  I slept relatively well the night before and I hoped D had gotten some sort of shut eye.  When I woke I had a few super sweet texts from family members that instantly made me smile and I started to get super excited and nervous for the big event. I wanted to soak in every moment.

 My mom and sisters showed up along with some yummy Panera breakfast.  I managed to eat half a bagel but my stomach was twisted up in nervous knots so that was it!  My beautiful bridesmaids came to the room shortly after and our hairdresser/make up artists showed up to get started.  We ran a bit behind schedule in the hair/makeup department but I was determined not to panic.  We got into the limo a teeeeny bit  20 minutes late and set off for the church!

My gorgeous flower girl #1- Already tired after a long morning of getting pretty!
We got to the church and I made everyone go in first to be EXTRA sure that my groom wasn’t anywhere where he could see me! When the coast was clear I made my way to our bridal room and managed to sneak a quick bite of sandwich…hoping to avoid passing out on the alter 🙂

One of D’s best men showed up to deliver my “letter” from my oh-so-soon-to-be-husband and waited patiently to make sure I opened the book correctly.  One side said “I LOVE YOU -The End” and the other was his actual 4 page love note…I totally botched the joke and opened up the real side first, but it was still cute.  He had been talking about this letter for awhile so I knew he put a lot of time and thought into what he wrote.

I did my best to not totally ruin my makeup, but I definitely teared up reading his sweet words.  In no time at all, the priest was telling it was 1:30 and time to go!  We made our way to the front of the church to get lined up and I waited impatiently with my dad.

Mayyybe I peeked a little bit.  My flower girls were SO CUTE and our ring bearer was pulling flower girl #2- baby A down the aisle in a wagon.  It was to die for.

My handsome groom’s face was everything I thought it would be when he saw me walking down the aisle.  There were definitely some tears shed, but we were so happy to see each other, everything else seemed to melt away.

Our ceremony went on without a hitch.  We laughed and giggled throughout the whole thing- I was too giddy to hide it.  I almost fell into a vent at one point while signing the marriage license and the priest most definitely thought I was fainting {ha!} but other than that, I managed to not trip and fall on my giant dress. My Uncle Tim and D’s cousin Toni each read a reading for us and did a wonderful job.  My best friend Carrie and cousin Jordan sang ‘A Thousand Years’ by Christina Perri acoustically and it was truly breathtaking.  I hadn’t heard them perform the whole thing until that day, and as I expected, they blew my expectations out of the water.  We were so incredibly blessed to get to incorporate a few of our loved ones into special parts of our ceremony!

After the ceremony- it was time to get the party started.  We were done with all of the ‘formal’ parts of the day and ready to kick back and relax!

The limo was by far in the top 3 moments of the day.  All of our bridal party was with us and we listened to music, drank champagne and anything else we could find and made some YouTube videos {still haven’t gotten up the courage to watch ours :)}
Wanna know the best part about those moments in last 3 pictures?  WE WERE OFFICIALLY HUSBAND AND WIFE!!  
That’s all for now!  Park and Reception details coming soon  🙂

Trish Felecos

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