
Every once in a while (read: daily) something happens that puts life back in perspective.  Every morning I wake up and thank God for giving me another day.  Every day I thank Him for my husband, my pup, our wonderful families, and the cozy roof over our heads. 

However, on a regular basis I find myself getting caught up in thinking about the things I want (read: babies, a house, no debt) and forgetting to just cherish the amazing things that are happening right now all around me.  D and I both have jobs that we LOVE, an apartment that has been a perfect little place to start our life together, and the sweetest darn pup you ever did see. 

We have amazing families, our health, and we fall more and more in love with each other every day. 

One of my favorite bloggers Christina posted about her dad finding out he has cancer, and her mother just recently went into remission after her own battle with cancer.  I read her post and couldn’t help but start tearing up.  I can’t imagine what she must be going through.  I pray for her and her beautiful family.  I pray that they be strong and that her dad can fight his battle with cancer and beat it.  I pray that God watch over them.

During this holiday season, I am trying every single day to just be thankful and grateful for everything I have in this life.  Someday we’ll have a house, and until then I’m going to enjoy the fact that I have a roof over my head and an amazing apartment complex that comes to the rescue whenever we have an issue.  Someday we’ll have babies, and while I hope this day comes sooner rather than later, D and I are remembering to enjoy the time we have that’s just us. Someday we’ll have (less) debt, but for now we are working hard to pay it off and that’s enough.

I pray you all remember to cherish each day and to always spend time being thankful for all you have, and not waste time on the things you don’t.


Trish Felecos

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