Five on Friday!

Happy Friday!  I am back to join in on my favorite weekly link up!  Cheers to Friday and 5 random things currently on my mind…

ONE-  A little Valentine’s Day love

I decided to spruce up our dining room table a little bit this week.  It’s usually covered in diaper bags and random boxes so it was time for a little something and this setup makes me happy!  Candy is always good in my book and any excuse to finally use some of our wedding gifts is a win.

TWO- This face.
Tummy time usually cracks me up because Duke rolls over seconds after I put him on his belly, like, “Not today, Ma!”  Yesterday he actually stayed on his tummy for quite awhile showing off his strength but was a tough crowd when it came to smiling…which is pretty rare for my boy.  I captured this adorable drooling face and the best part is it looks like he’s taking his own selfie.  
 THREE- Crunchy Chicken Cheddar Wraps
I’m trying to mix up our weekly meal routine now that I’m home during the day and have a little more time on my hands to get creative.  Plus, as soon as D walks in the door, he is ready for some Duke snuggles, so hiding away in the kitchen, cooking and sipping on a beer is a nice little break for this mama.  
On Wednesday this week I decided to travel back in time to my college days and KU and whip up an embarrassingly easy meal that I used to eat on a far to regular basis on campus.  I may have also made the exact same meal for lunch the next day. 
Crunchy chicken strips + lettuce + cheddar cheese + ranch dressing + giant tortillas = delicious!
FOUR- Cajun Chicken and Sausage Pasta
I decided to surprise my main man with a Cajun inspired pasta dish for dinner on our anniversary last night.  Our sudden change in household income means we shouldn’t can’t eat out as much as we used to, but that doesn’t mean eating at home should be boring {see number three}!    Anyway, I’ll do a post early next week with the recipe, but here’s a peak at this insanely delicious meal!

FIVE- This boy

I still tear up on a daily basis when I’m snuggling my sweet boy and kissing his delicious chubby cheeks!  He is the sweetest, happiest boy and I am so lucky to be his mama.  I always imagined being a mom but I never could have imagined this feeling, this immeasurable love for this adorable tiny human.  He instantly brightens up my mood and I can’t help but smile every time he stares up at me.  I could gush for a million more paragraphs but I’m gonna stop right here and post far too many pictures of my son instead.  ENJOY šŸ˜‰

Until next time!

Trish Felecos

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