Heaven Is Here: A Book Review

One of my resolutions for 2016 is to read more.  I love books and I used to read all the time {I think I read 40 books in one year after I got my kindle}.  I asked for a couple books for Christmas and decided to start the year off reading “Heaven Is Here” by Stephanie Nielson.

This book made me feel every emotion imaginable, and honestly, some parts were so vivid, they were a little hard to read.  That’s what I love about books. This book offered an amazing perspective and I’ve consistently told Dennis how thankful I am that our little family is healthy when we’ve faced some financial insecurities.  We spend a lot of time worrying about what we don’t have and what we want and 99% of the time, those things are all material.  

This book is about a couple, a mother and father, a daughter and son, a pair with many friends in their community, who are in a horrific plane crash and suffer many injuries, including burns over the majority of their bodies.  It is about the before and the after- not just about what happens to us but how we react to such things.  It is about just how incredibly strong we can be when we rely on our faith.  It is about the definition of having it all and how that definition can change as we face insurmountable odds.

If you need a little faith, or maybe just a little perspective, I highly recommend this book!  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


Trish Felecos

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