Life: The Blur Edition

SO as you all know, we packed up our little family and moved to South Dakota last week.  We have a mountain of boxes and furniture in my parents shed, boxes and totes taking over the basement, and half of our clothes in closets/drawers while the other half is in piles all. over. the. place.  

We rolled into town around midnight on Friday, unpacked the UHaul Saturday morning and promptly headed to my cousins wedding that afternoon.  We stayed out way past our bedtimes, spent Sunday soaking up sunshine and playing all day long and finally started unpacking on Monday to prepare for today.  What’s today you ask? Well, Dennis and I are currently on a flight to Boston for a quick 3 day trip to see a Red Sox game and have some adult-only mini vacation fun!

Duke woke up this morning around 5:15, right as I was getting out of the shower, so I took the opportunity to soak up some early morning snuggles while nursing him and then tucked him back into the crib so he could finish out the night and wake up to a very excited set of grandparents. I am missing him like a stage 5 clinger and I hope he has a fun time while we are away. I know this will be great for Dennis and I, but the first overnight trip away is a big deal!
More often than not, we cram a million things/adventures into our days/weeks/lives and this month or two will certainly fit the bill.  I start work next week, we’ll move into the new house 2 weeks after that and then head to Vermont at the end of the month.  My poor husband has to do a solo drive trip to Denver on Friday but it will be so worth it to get Capone moved! We waited a week for him to join us so my parents wouldn’t have to wrangle both of our nugget babies 3 days after our move, and I cannot wait for him to join us.
Now I’m going to simultaneously try to rest and chug coffee on this flight because #4hoursofsleep.  Happy Tuesday!

Trish Felecos

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