Happy Birthday Dennis!

Today’s post is dedicated to the love of my life, my very best friend, and ultimate life partner in crime.  Today my guy celebrates his birthday!  37 looks good on you sweets 🙂

If you know my husband, you know that he is fun-loving, he loves to talk, he can make friends with annnyone, he loves his family fiercely and he is very loyal.  He’s incredibly sensitive, knows when and how to push my buttons, is a tickle monster in the truest form, and is a very proud daddy.  He’s funny, almost as weird as I am, and doesn’t let a day go by where he doesn’t tell me just how much he loves me.  In short, he’s a keeper.

Dennis loves football, fried chicken, and Louisiana.  He plays video games, watches baseball {Go Red Sox!}, and kicks butt at pool, one-handed or two.  He’s a dreamer, a big kid at heart, and I’ve never doubted that he will do anything that needs to be done to make sure our family is okay. 

Dennis is the level-headed one in our duo, and he can talk me down better than anyone.  He’d always choose time with family vs. time alone.  He’s a night-owl, a cuddler, and a voice of reason.  He’s incredibly handsome, a roll around on the floor kind of dad, and a pretty big pushover. 

I’m thankful every day for this man.  Thankful for what he does for us, thankful for how hard he works, and how much he loves.  I thank God {and his parents} that he was born and that somehow in this big ol’ world, he chose me to be his wife.  Today, we celebrate you hubs.  Cheers to 37 wonderful years and a million more to come.  Happiest of birthdays to YOU!  I cannot WAIT to finally fill you in on your birthday present surprise 🙂


Trish Felecos

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