Happy Thanksgiving-Eve!

I’ve been listening to a holiday Pandora station at work all week and I love it! I am beyond excited to decorate our house for Christmas this weekend after enjoying all things Thanksgiving.  I missed a lot of Merrigan Thanksgivings the past few years because I always had to pick between time off at Thanksgiving OR Christmas at my old job.  Christmas nearly always won and while I had amazing time with friends and family in CO, I’m super thankful our little fam gets to stay put this year for Thanksgiving and enjoy it with my dad’s side of the family.

I am totally digging this 3 day work week thing and wish it could be like this every week! I’ve been slightly distracted this week since we found out the gender of sweet baby #2 on Monday and I’m plotting how we are going to announce to family tomorrow.  Here are some hints at how the big reveal will go down in South Dakota and Colorado…

We’re also 99% sure we have a name picked out which makes me ultra excited! Now I can start panning out our upstairs transformation…painting rooms, eventually transitioning Duke to a big boy bed and maybe finally hanging things in our master bedroom {I’ve been purposefully avoiding it because I hate our current wall color and the way everything looks hung up against it! That being said, I’m pretty sick of the stack of pictures on my dresser and overall chaotic state of our room right now šŸ™ }

I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t already started my Christmas shopping {kudos to you nuts that are already done!} and my family is real tired of me asking them what they want.  I’m getting close to throwing in the towel and just getting them whatever I think they would enjoy!  There are so many crazy good deals online right now and since that’s pretty much the only way I shop, I’m cashing in on cash back through Ebates and monster savings on store sites. Buy all the things!  Here is a breakdown of some of the goodies I’ve snagged so far and things I have my eye on…happy shopping!

I hope you all enjoy tomorrow with family and friends! I am so thankful for all of you that stop by to see what’s going on in our world and for your support of my creative endeavors.  Happy Thanksgiving!


Trish Felecos

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