Christmas Christmas EVERYWHERE!

I think I’ve gone more Christmas overboard this year than any other year. I’ve had Rockin’ Holidays radio on Pandora for a month, piles of presents under the tree for all of our loved ones, and yet I still can’t believe it’s actually Christmas in a couple more sleeps!  We are heading out to Colorado tonight so I wanted to stop in and share some pictures of our decorations and wish you all a very Merry Christmas! I hope it’s filled with lots of love and quality time with friends and family.  This time of year can be downright crazy, so don’t forget what it’s all about in the midst of all the hustle and bustle. I tend to stress out about traveling around this time, all the people we want to try to see and trying to stick to a semi-normal schedule for our newly-ornery toddler…

Before the stack of presents got pretty out of control…
Even though it was about 4 degrees when we did this and ridiculously rushed, I’m so happy with our cozy little porch!
Beautiful centerpiece I won at my work Christmas party!

Excited to add another stocking to this line up next year!

When you switch wrapping paper themes halfway through…

Obsessed with these cute tags from Walmart!

Checking out one of the trees at Grandma and Grandpa’s farm…so impressed he hasn’t messed with any of the trees he’s encountered this year.

Since we stuck with our smaller tree again this year since we’ll be out of town and it’s off the ground, Duke hardly even checks it out and literally hasn’t even tried to get to the presents stacked up in front of it.  He loves ripping apart fresh rolls of wrapping paper, but the gifts themselves, he could care less.  Noted. 

We are really looking forward to a 4-day Colorado Christmas weekend, a short week, and then more Christmas festivities with South Dakota family next weekend.  I will hopefully stop by next week for a recap of all the fun and maybe do a fun New Year’s giveaway! Stay tuned šŸ˜‰

Merry Christmas!!


Trish Felecos

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