Pinot noir and Sour Milk

I debated on titling this post “life lately” but let’s be real, life lately involves a whole lot of Pinot Noir and at least 1 sippy cup a week day of forgotten milk.  Work has been picking up and even though I’m excited and loving the journey, I’m realizing every day that I simply cannot do all. the. things. Who am I kidding, I can barely do some of the things I feel like I need to be on any given day. I’m trying to prioritize and compromise when I can. I’m also giving myself a lot of grace.

In important news, the boys are growing and changing by the minute and I want to make note of a few things I do not want to forget. This might be my favorite stage of all. {I’m going to skip the illnesses we’ve been battling for a different, maybe never? post}.

Theo has such an amazing personality.  He laughs so hard at the tiniest tickles. He’s really starting to notice Duke and tolerates a lot of aggressive snuggling. He is growing SO FAST. He seems huge to me. He can roll up on his side but hasn’t fully rolled from back to front yet. He loves to sit up and see what’s going on, and he loves his mama.  He is a total snuggle bug and I can’t get enough of him.

Duke absolutely loves Theo. He gets so excited and runs for him first thing in the morning yelling HI HIII. He brings him toys, tries to share all of his food and drinks with him and cannot go to bed without giving him a kiss. He is in a pretty hilarious stage right now. He loves to make us laugh, wrestle, give bear hugs and sing and dance. He’s getting a little braver with his vocabulary and trying out new words more frequently {he loves to mimic so I think that helps!} New favorites include red, ball, “op” (stop), “gain?” (again), BYE, “adeeeee” (daddy) and more. He drops the first letter of a lot of words, but he’s trying and that’s all we can ask for! He also loves to show off his muscles and blow kisses.

We’ve had some fun adventures the last couple weeks including horseback riding and bouncy houses at the county fair. I can’t believe how big my little man is getting and watching him climb up the bouncy house climbing wall and go down the big slide all by himself blew me away. Even when I feel completely overwhelmed with life and piles of laundry are building up on my dining room table, I know these days are so fleeting and I’d rather have all the moments I possibly can with Duke and Theo than worry about the chaos.  I’ve heard there’s a “balance” people talk about…I just haven’t found it yet. 😉

 I hope you all are having an awesome week! I am hoping we do something fun this weekend for my sister’s birthday.  I’m also booking a bunch of travel {4 trips in the next 2 months} so I imagine we will sneak in some low key chill time as well! Happy Thursday!


Trish Felecos

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