Volleyball, vests and visits!

We had a wonderful weekend that involved the perfect mix of productivity, family time, and a parents night out.  We kicked it off on Friday night with the USD volleyball game with my dad. {My mom was in Colorado visiting my sister Jen and her husband Ryan and their sweet new baby Emarie.} One of my favorite things about living in a college town is access to so many games! We got into volleyball last year when the team was phenomenal so we’ll likely get season tickets this year because they are a blast to watch! Duke flirted with some other fans when he saw they had chocolate wrappers in their cup holder and volunteered to clean the chairs and floors when he got bored watching the game. He also tried to wash his brother’s birth mark off…

We got home late on Friday after a Coyote win and everyone had super late bedtimes. Thankfully this meant we all slept way in on Saturday morning after Dennis headed to work. Duke helped me organize clothes as we swapped out sizes for Theo {he’s a giant so I’m getting everything out from 9-12 mos} and we did laundry and played until Dennis got off work around 1:30. Duke found a new vest in one of the loads of laundry and insisted on wearing it all morning. 

We packed an overnight bag for the boys, got our cowboy boots on, and headed out to drop the boys at my parents house. We met up with my sister Michelle and her husband Kyle and headed to Sioux Falls for Garth Brooks! 

We got to see him in concert 2.5 years ago when we lived in Denver and I was pregnant with Duke. He is so awesome in concert and he played for hours! His opener was also great and I need to go look up his name and download some music.  We had a yummy early dinner before the show and maybe made a shameless Taco Bell run after the show because it has been about 7 hours since dinner and we were starving! Plus, something needed to soak up the beers in my belly. 

While we were in Sioux Falls, my mom and sister Jen were surprising my dad and all the kids with her arrival and, most importantly, baby Emarie’s first trip to the farm! She decided to make the trip back at the last minute and they’ll get to spend the week here which will be awesome. We will miss them when we head to Colorado Wednesday night but we’ll get in a lot more time with them this way!  We headed out to see them Sunday morning after a gloriously slow morning after a rare night with no kiddos. Next time they stay at my parents, I’m opting for a full brunch before we pick them up 😉 

We hung out and swapped babies around all day before taking in an early dinner and a fun tour of my sisters new river house. Next summer is going to be ah-maze-ing!  Duke was being a less than stellar dinner companion so I took him outside and put him to work cleaning my car…

After we got home, it was time for baths for all 3 of our littles, bedtime for the babies and ice cream for us. Wins all around! 

I hope you all have a wonderful week! We are looking forward to a short work week before we take off for Colorado and get ready to see Dennis’ little brother get married! 


Trish Felecos

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