10 in 10

October has been one for the record books {or blogs} this year, so I’m breaking down 10 things that we’ve loved in this 10th month of the year! Where has 2017 gone?!
Dakota Days Parade
We kicked of the month with USDs homecoming which means a big parade that goes right in front of our house!

We had a big crowd of family and friends, breakfast burrito bar, bloody Mary’s, coffee, etc. it’s becoming one of my very favorite things about living in our house!
Football games!

We love supporting the Coyotes and we’ve made it to a couple games so far. Theo loved some Charlie snuggles during the homecoming game and we loved the free beer in the dome club! 

Fall has been absolutely beautiful on the farm so we’ve made an effort to do some exploring and check on the cows often to satisfy Duke’s obsession.

Duke and Theo have always loved each other but this month has been really fun- Theo thinks just about anything Duke does, short of biting, is comic gold and Duke is always looking for Theo when he’s sleeping so he can promptly wake him up. It makes my heart burst when I watch them interact and I am so thankful they will know the wonderful gift of siblings and never remember life without each other.

Girls weekend
I need to do an entire post about my girls weekend in Charleston because it was amazing, but the short version is that it was the perfect mix of historical sites, amazing food, cocktails and sleep. All wrapped up in a 4 day weekend with 2 of my very best friends!

Boys Weekend
While I was gone, Dennis enlisted a few reinforcements {my awesome family} but was pretty much solo with the boys. I missed them so much but loved seeing them have a fun boys weekend while I was gone. Duke has been a total cling monster since I got back

New office
Our building at work was renovated over the course of 6 months and we just moved in this month. It is beautiful and so exciting to be back in and working side by side my coworkers, instead of spread out all over town! They put in a wellness room which has been a game changer for us moms with babies {4 of us right now!}.  It is amazing to work for a company that takes care of its employees and I appreciate the work/life balance so much!


R+F business
I’ve had a few fun Rodan + Fields parties this month and my favorite part is Duke and Theo helping me get everything setup. It takes 10x as long and we spill things along the way but it’s the perfect testament to how this business fits into our lives, at our pace, in our home! Or wherever we want to be. So thankful.

Halloween Jams
We busted out the Halloween pajamas this week and I love seeing these matching candy-filled skeleton bellies.

Pumpkin Patch
We had an awesome afternoon adventure at the pumpkin patch today with my sisters family and my mom. We wandered through a corn maze, picked perfect white and orange pumpkins, bought some delicious produce and drank fresh apple cider. The kids loved running around, my nieces called dibs of 47 pumpkins “I changed my mind I want THIS one!” and we all left in full fall mode.

We’ve still got Duke’s 2nd birthday and Halloween to celebrate this month and I can’t wait! It’s been busy and a ton of fun with absolutely gorgeous weather. Stick around Fall, I’m totally into you!


Trish Felecos

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