9 Months and 2+ Years

My sweet boys are growing up fast and I don’t to forget the little moments that are my absolute FAVORITE for each of them at this stage.

Theodore Paul hit the 9 month milestone on the 28th of December and we had his checkup today.  He is weighing in at a whopping 22lbs 12oz and is 28.25in tall.  Theo is the definition of “happy” wrapped up in a chunky little package. He is sweet and snuggly, although he’s become extra squirmy these days.  He rolls everywhere and pulls up on his knees often, but belly flops before crawling anywhere.  He manages to get where he wants to go so we’ll continue to encourage him but I’m not too worried at the moment…he’s got a giant head just like his brother and it’s hard work holding up that chub!

Theo eats tons of purees and is dabbling in the world of puffs.  I think we’ll start trying some other food off of our plates soon now that he’s consistently eating his fruits and veggies.  All but peas.  His entire body shudders when he takes a bite and he simply can’t stand them.  I think they smell awful so I don’t really blame him!

T-man loves to be tickled, read books, bang on toys, and chew on everything.  His 3rd tooth is popping through the top and it looks like he’s got 3 more following close behind it. He’s about 50/50 on breastmilk and formula and switches between the two really well.  He’s sleeping roughly 8:30p-7:30a…we’ve been working on dropping the 10p feeding and just giving him a bigger bottle around 8 and then down for the night.  So far it seems to be the schedule he likes!

Theo loves to watch his brother, totally tolerates and instigates a little wrestling, and always manages to find his way to Capone and try to pull on his cheeks.  He’s got the strongest grip I’ve ever experienced and can just about rip your face off if you’re not paying attention. Duke is pretty patient with his little brother but doesn’t hesitate to yell “OWWWIEEEE” if Theo is touching him when he doesn’t want to be. We’re also working on that whole “sharing” thing…

Duke is in a really fun stage and my favorite things are when he grabs my hand and asks me to dance, gives me puckered up lip kisses and big squeezes, shows me his muscles before bed, grabs a book and wants to cuddle under a blanket, and cooks me food in his kitchen.  He loves to help me do things around the house “Mine? Elp?” so I let him help vacuum and take all of the dirty silverware out of the dishwasher right after I put it in.  He is also a PRO at unfolding laundry.  It’s a good thing he’s cute.

He has a sweet imagination, loves to pretend to be Capone and gives puppy kisses, is obsessed with his brother and instantly asks for him when he wakes up. “EO” is his favorite little buddy, he always tries to comfort him when he’s “rying” and checks on any of us if he thinks something is wrong.  “Tay, mom? Tay?”


He’s been dabbling in potty training and we haven’t had enough {or any} consecutive days to hang at home and let him really try it out. I’m hoping we can slow down a little this month and see if he’s really ready!  He’s also saying so much more! He still struggles with the first letter of words and mixes up his “k’s” with “t’s” but he gets so excited when he can really communicate what he wants and we understand…I can see the little wheels turning in his mind and his face lights up when he gets it right.  I just can’t handle how fun and entertaining this stage is!

These boys make life so much sweeter and I am so thankful to be their mama.  

Trish Felecos

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