
Ever since Duke started talking, he would pronounce most words by dropping the first letter or swapping T’s for K’s.  His beloved cows is “ows”, Daddy is “addy”, Grandpa is “ampa”, Grandma is just “ma”, baby brother is “EO”.  Milk is”melt”, when something broke it “breakt”, Capone is ‘mone’ and my absolutely favorite is that Duke thinks his name is ‘Ute (pronounced “oot”).


Duke is my wild child. He is full of big personality coupled with the biggest heart. He is so sweet and caring.  He loves to climb on everything, has one volume (LOUD), and a great imagination.  Before he mastered climbing out of his crib, he would sit and play with his stuffed animals for forever before calling for us to come get him.  Talking to them, rocking them to sleep, covering them up with their “binks” (blanket).  Bedtime has gotten a little tougher lately. He’s much more sensitive about the “dart” (dark) and wants his door open.

He has so many little routines and quirks right now that I don’t want to forget.  We always read the Superhero Rules at least 2 times before he goes to sleep.  The second he gets his coat on at daycare, he asks for his treat, Smarties and tootsie rolls are always top choice, with dumdum suckers coming in 3rd.  He recently started sneaking 2 treats and we think it’s so funny we’ve been letting it slide. totally going to regret it later but look at that face! When I ask him who he played with, he nearly always lists for 4 same kids, “Ash” his cousin Ashlan, “Ae” his cousin Shelan, “Na” his friend Anna, and “Riley” (one name he totally gets!). Did he have a fun day? “YEA”.

At least once a week he asks for “boball” (basketball) and “ampa” (my dad).  I can’t wait until it warms up because he’s been begging for “ractor” (tractor) and “ows”.  It’s going to be a really fun Spring watching him let loose at the farm. Whenever we’re at my parents when it gets dark out, he yells “Niiiighhht! ‘Ows” over and over again as we leave.  He’s most definitely got a little bit of my Grandpa Moose in him.

Duke loves to ‘elp whenever he can whether it’s mixing things in the kitchen, “washing” dishes, vacuuming or feeding Capone.  He likes to help feed Theo and actually does a great job with his baby food.  He always asks if diapers are “gross?” when we change he and Theo and likes to practice going on the potty.

We recently upgraded him to a big boy bed and it’s been an interesting experiment.  He demands that we ‘LAY DOWN LAY DOWN LAY DOWN’ and 50% of the time he’s crawling into our bed in the middle of the night. We bring him back to his room unless it’s after 6 a.m. and then I just snuggle him until we go get ready.  He loves to play in the bathroom while I’m getting ready, whether he’s counting all of the Band-Aids in a box (“one, free one! ‘ive ‘ix ‘eight!”) or washing his hands 47 times, it’s a mad dash to get myself ready for work and keep him alive before Theo wakes up and I’ve lost all chance at not having someone attached to my body.

Some people tell us we are in the thick of it right now and if that’s true, we are truly soaking up every crazy, ‘STOP pushing your brothers face into the carpet!’ moment.  #thisistwo

Happy Friday everyone!


Trish Felecos

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