30 days of 30

I turned 30 last month and it was a crazy month jam packed with tons of birthday celebrations, travel, and special events.

The celebrations actually kicked off on March 31st.  After we celebrated Theo’s 1st birthday, my family successfully pulled off my very first surprise party!  Since my sister was in town and my family knew I would be out of town on my actual birthday, they took the opportunity to pull out all of the amazing 30 decorations, my new favorite shirt, and some awesome presents. We couldn’t get too crazy since Easter was the next day, but it was perfect!

Fast forward through a fun Calling All Coyotes auction on Friday April 13th and Dennis and I headed off to Nashville.  Our flight was originally supposed to leave on the 14th but we had some crazy weather so it was pushed until the 15th.  Theo and I both came down with fevers on the 14th so we hunkered down at my parents house and tried to sleep it off until Dennis and I left for the airport on Sunday the 15th.  We landed in Nashville, grabbed our rental car and headed to my best friend Lindsey’s house. She and her boyfriend Grahm recently moved to Nashville and they were the best hostesses!

Unfortunately when I woke up on Monday we made a beeline for urgent care because I still had a fever and just felt like garbage. They found strep and ears full of fluid and because I was on vacation and hanging on to the last hours of my 20’s, the amazing doc gave me a steroid shot and antibiotics and I started to feel better within hours.  The rest of our trip was spent exploring the city including some fun stops like The Candle Bar, Pinewood Social, Top Golf, and some ridiculously entertaining bars on Broadway.



I woke up to a stack of donuts and coffee on my birthday,the absolute perfect start to a new decade.  We shopped, relaxed, and drank our way through the day.  On Wednesday we made our way to brunch where I had the most delicious iced lavender mocha, birthday scone, and yummy meal.  We said our goodbyes and made our way to the airport to get back home to our babies.


There was something really special about getting to celebrate 30 with Lindsey.  We’ve been friends for 12 years…we met as 18 year olds our Freshman year of college and have experienced so many ups and downs together since then.  Distance hasn’t seemed to shake our friendship and I am so thankful to pick up exactly where we left off whenever we’re together.  We’ll have a lot more Nashville trips in our future! So much left to explore.


We finished off the month with some work events and another family celebration including presents and brownies.  My sisters got me the most thoughtful gift I’ve probably ever received. The time and energy they put into creating it had to have been huge and I cannot wait to hang it up in our new house! Oh yea…I should probably post about the fact that we’re buying a house! I’m going to do a separate post on the pictures because they are just too good and maybe I’ll get crazy and sneak in a post about buying our very. first. house. 

I truly had 30 days to celebrate turning 30 and it was amazing.  I am so excited to take on this new decade, fill it with more adventures, more family time, more relaxation, more life. Cheers to 30 years!


Trish Felecos

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