Theodore Paul: 18 months!

My sweet and wild Theo bear is 18 months old! This boy has changed so much since he turned 1 and it’s so fun to watch him grow. The first year of Theo’s life he was quiet and observant. He would smile and laugh constantly, never really fussed unless he was hungry #hegetsitfromhismama, and he was just plain chill. I have to say that this made the transition from 1 to 2 so much easier than I imagined. He was a dream. 

All of the sudden when Theo turned 1, his personality exploded. He found his voice in screeches and yells {he still doesn’t say much other than ‘mama’ but he’ll get there}, and started to make himself known. He doesn’t let his brother run the show without a bit of a fight, he is funny and absolutely LOVES being tickled.  Theo has always been a mama’s boy, and his separation anxiety kicked in strong at 12 months.  It’s definitely gotten better but now that he understands when I’m leaving, like for work every day as an example, he chases me down and squeezes my legs, pressing his little face against my thigh. I’d take him with me every day if I could!

Theo started walking at 16 months and absolutely took off once he got the hang of it. He still loves to be carried but running around at the park is most definitely his favorite activity. This boy can EAT more than any kid I’ve ever seen. He will literally eat all day long if you let him. And he doesn’t care what it is. He is growing like a weed so clearly he needs the fuel but it’s comical most days just how much he can put down.

I can’t help but picture how much our lives will change again in 6 short months. When Theo was born, Duke was too little to really understand what was going on but now he’s really interested. Theo on the other hand has no idea what’s going on and is REAL jealous of the 2 other babies at daycare.  I’m more than a little anxious about how my sweet boy will handle being a big brother but I pray that he adjusts as well as Duke did! He is so sweet and loving that I just know he will do great, as long as I can figure out how to fit 3 nuggets on my lap at the same time 😉

I am so excited to see what sports Theo ends up liking as he gets bigger. He has a serious arm and loves to throw a ball, chase after it, and throw it again. OR get about 18 inches away from people and chuck it at them. Ha!  He has no idea how strong he is.  We’re leaning towards a Thor costume this year because his grip is so intense, I think he could actually pick up the mythical hammer.  Duke is obsessed with the ‘Hult’ right now so he’ll be a mean green fighting machine come Oct. 31.

The brother bond between these nuggets has gotten strong the past few months and they love to play together, make each other laugh, and inevitably turn innocent hugs into a full blown wrestling match.  I love seeing them together, watching just how excited they get when the other walks into the room, and I can’t wait to watch them bring their newest brother or sister into their circle.  Siblings are the best!

That’s it for now…I’m feeling extra emotional about the fact that I’ll be posting Duke’s 3 YEAR update next month so props to Theo for staying little 😉


Trish Felecos

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