New Job, New Town, New Everything?

Like whoa.  This week has been a whirlwind to say the LEAST.  Dennis rolled in at 3:30 a.m. Monday morning like I talked about here, and I started my new job on Wednesday!  I’m going to recap few fun things about this week and touch on some exciting things we have coming up in the next 30 days.  We’re ready for you June!!

one-  Work work work
My new job is fantastic.  I am super overwhelmed with information in the best way possible. I’m very new to the industry but really excited to learn all about the world of fundraising and non profit work. I have great long term vision for my career here and I seriously can’t wait to start really diving into some of this work that I’m learning about day by day. To say that this job is a blessing, is truly an understatement.  It all came together absolutely perfectly and I am so thankful for the opportunity.  Now I need to go stock my closet with all things red because it’s wear red Friday and I walked downstairs this morning in blue.  #fail  Go Coyotes!

Also worth noting {not really a surprise} going back to work apparently makes wine even more mandatory.

two- Husband // Stay at home dad // Farmer’s Apprentice
Dennis has been such a champion through all of the transitions we’ve been going through over the past 2 weeks {HOW has it only been 2 weeks!?}  We moved, went to Boston, he went back to Colorado and then he became Duke’s primary day time caregiver, all while we’re living with my parents.  They are AMAZING and probably too easy to live with, but it’s still worth noting because it’s not OUR space.  Anyway, he’s applying for jobs like a madman because it kills him to not be working outside of the home, even though my dad can keep him plenty busy with farm work.  I’m saying prayers he can find a job that he truly enjoys and we’d love your prayers too!

three- This boy
A blog post is not a good post without a little update on my main mini man.  Duke has been handling all of the change surprisingly well.  He was a champ when we were out of town, and he’s really loving all of the people and attention he’s surrounded with these days.  Unfortunately, he’s teething right now and it is rough…I can finally see the top left tooth poking through so I hope he’s getting past the pain point at least for a short while.  He was up so many times the other night, I seriously thought he would wake up with a mouth full of teeth!

In other news, he sits up on his own like a stud, shows lots of interest in movement, but little in crawling, and eats loads of fruit and veggie purees.  He gets so excited now for meals and has his mouth wide open and makes hilarious monkey-like squeals until he gets a bite “Ah ah ah” and then finishes off with an “mmmmm” while the spoon is in his mouth.  Love him more than words can say.  And check out this adorable picture of he and my grandma holding hands. All the feels.

four- Our first house
In 2 short weeks we will get to start the painting/moving process and I am over the moon excited. We are so used to apartment life and have basically had enough stuff for a 3 bedroom house crammed into a 1 bedroom with an office and a storage unit.  #notokay  I feel like we can finally put our mark on something and really start planting some roots in this little town.

five- Travel Time
To end the insanity that this month will surely be, we will be flying out to Vermont for one of my very best friend’s weddings. I absolutely can’t wait to be reunited with some of my favorite people and celebrate a beautiful wedding/marriage!

I hope you all have had a fantastic start to this new month and have a great weekend!  I have a a few work events planned for Saturday and I’m hoping to spend some time with my grandma on Sunday + a million hours of relaxation with my boys.  Wish me luck! 😉


Linking up with a couple of my favorites!

Trish Felecos

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