Duke Anthony Felecos- 6 MONTHS OLD!!

I had every intention of getting this post up earlier this week but sometimes the best laid plans just do not work out.  And that’s okay.  So here we are Thursday, ready to tackle a post all about my beautiful baby boy.  As everyone said it would, these 6 months have gone by incredibly fast, but I genuinely think we’ve been soaking up every moment and it’s been wonderful. 
Duke is a happy little spitfire.  I call him my wild boy about 10x a day… I can’t even imagine what it will be like when he’s actually mobile.  He is rolling both ways now and scoots his little body to reach for certain toys, fur brothers, and anything breakable.  Peekaboo is a huge giggle-maker right now and we probably played 235913750 games of it on our road trip last weekend.  He also loves reading books, chewing on all. the. things., arching his back and flipping upside down whenever he can, being thrown in the air, and being outside.

Duke is really starting to get more comfortable with new people which makes my mama heart very happy.  I love his snuggles more than anything, but I love seeing the joy in others faces when they get to have that special bonding time with him too.  His little smile lights up the room and I swear it doesn’t matter what I’m doing, he can make every stress melt away with that grin and other people gravitate towards him!

Sometimes we do bottles and hold them ourselves!
We seem to be passed the 4-month sleep regression woes {fingers crossed/knocking on wood, etc.}.  Duke is back to waking up once a night to eat and goes quickly back to sleep until he’s ready for the day.  He still falls asleep in my arms every once in awhile when we are out and about but generally prefers to fall asleep in his bed with his arms and legs splayed out.  Not gonna lie, I soak up nap snuggles whenever I can get them!

We introduced food this month and so far he seems to be liking it.  He’s starting to actually swallow some which is a win in my book!  Breastfeeding is still his main source of nutrition and I am so so thankful we’ve made it this far, exclusively breastfeeding! 

I am so anxious for Duke’s 6-month appointment next Monday (they were super booked this week) so I can get his stats!  He is so long and has wonderful chunky rolls all over his litttle body.  When this nugget turns 7 months old next month, we will officially be South Dakota residents!!!  I am so so excited.  We had a fantastic visit home last weekend {more to come on that later this week} and it really got me pumped up to start our new adventure there.

Happy 6 months to my sweet little love!  Best 1/2 a year of MY LIFE!

-Mama T-

Trish Felecos

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