Oh Friday, you look good

This week has been such a good one for us.  I didn’t feel like it flew by like so many weeks before it and we were lucky to have loads of late afternoon/evening family time that we don’t usually get depending on D’s work schedule.  He couldn’t work OT this week so he was off by 4 at the latest every day and we loved it!  Anyway- let’s jump into the 5 things I am loving this Friday!

1- Family Walks. When the weather is nice, we love to get outside and go on walks as a family and that happened a couple times this week. If we aren’t going too far and it’s a dog friendly place, Capone gets to come, but sometimes it’s too much for his little legs to handle! I love this time for us to slow down, talk and reconnect without technological distractions.  Plus Duke loves being outside and checking out the sites from his stroller or carrier.

2- An old frenemy?  I haven’t walked on a treadmill in a long time. I don’t love them and would much rather walk outside than in a boring gym but I was itching to get moving on Wednesday night and opted for 30 minutes of walking while watching random YouTube videos and training’s for my business.  It felt fantastic and I will definitely be doing it more often. PLUS I get a pretty view.

3- Water Baby.  I am so thankful Duke loves the water.  He is such a riot during bath time now and never ceases to have all of us giggling and smiling the whole time.  He makes the funniest faces when he’s being splashed like he can’t decide if he likes it or not, but ultimately breaks out in a huge smile. It’s amazing what simple tasks become my favorite when I see this semi-gummy grin!   
PS Pink hand-me-down bath seats are all the rage right now, in case you didn’t know.
4- First Foods!  There are a million and five opinions about when it’s best to start babies on food and Dennis and I both agreed we wanted to wait until Duke was close to 6 months old.  Since we will be out of town on his 6 month birthday, we decided to give it a try this week and introduce our boy to some banana purée. He’s been so engaged and curious lately when we are eating dinner so we figured he’d be pretty excited when he actually got to try something new.  Overall he did great and got a few spoonfuls swallowed vs on his shirt/face/tray/my arm.  I love firsts with our sweet boy!
5- Birthday Weekend!  It’s my birthday on Sunday and even though we are expecting snow on it for the 3rd year in a row, I’m looking forward to a fun weekend with the perfect mix of friends, family, and my sweet boys! 28 is looking mighty fine.
Have a superb weekend people!

Trish Felecos

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