How time flies!

The past week has been so busy and gone by crazy fast. I was able to go home to South Dakota for an extra long weekend last weekend and get in loads of snuggles with my nieces.  It was great catching up with my oldest sis after she had baby #2 as well as spending quality time with my brother in law and parents.  I was also able to get my car loan finalized!!  I’m so excited about getting the car next month.

My flight back to Denver was canceled Tuesday morning so I had to miss a day of work and fly back late that night. I was so incredibly frustrated because I hate having to run by someone else`s schedule but luckily it gave me an extra day with my family and I will never say no to that!
I crammed in 33 hours of work into 3 days to make up for my lost day after the holiday weekend so I was exhausted most of the week, but we were still able to get a ton of important things checked off our list!  Thursday was spent at our first NFP class.  I have to say it was really informative and I love the couple that’s teaching it.  We have 2 more classes, each a month apart, so I look forward to learning a lot from this series!  
On Friday we met with our priest to go over the results of our Focus.  We answered 87% of the questions the same way and all of the ones that were different, were pretty expected for both of us.  We really enjoyed going over the results and I felt awesome knowing that we are on the same page about so many key things, and most importantly, our communication is GREAT.  Between the meeting with the priest and the NFP class, we are really spending a lot of time talking to each other about what we want for our marriage and I’m loving every minute of it. 
 Someday šŸ™‚
After the meeting with the priest, D went to work and I went over to my sisters to drink wine and catch up after weeks of not seeing each other.  We had an awesome night and it made me so thankful to have her so close! 
On Saturday I helped one of my best friends move into her first house and we had a really awesome and really busy day. I was so sooore  when I woke up this morning but it was worth it!  Today D and I went to breakfast and then over to our friends house to work on our wedding invites.  They are getting married in August so they were able to work on their Save the Dates while we assembled our invitations and then they helped us out when they finished. It was so amazing to get these put together and now all we have to do is work on getting them stamped and addressed.  I feel really good about our goal of getting them in the mail on 4.1.14.  
I finished out the day babysitting for a really great family and now I am finally catching up on some blogging and quality time with the pup!  I hope you all have had a really awesome weekend … my goal this week is to post more šŸ˜‰

Trish Felecos

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