Five on Friday!

So I’m am very late to the game on this today but it has been a crazy busy week and I am finally settled in on the couch with a fuzzy blanket and my computer and I am reaady to start this edition of Five on Friday!

One–  Pasta Jambalaya.  D has made me pasta jambalaya a few times the past couple of months and he is loving mixing up the recipes and trying new things each time until he ‘perfects’ his signature recipe.  Last night we both finally had a night off together and we cooked together and had the best time!  It was so refreshing to be prepping and cooking dinner together and catching up on our weeks and I loved it!  {Latest recipe to come tomorrow!}

Two–  Hot Chocolate!  It has been absolutely FREEZING here this week and we got about 5 inches of snow between last night and this morning so I have been treating myself with some delicious hot chocolate topped with whipped cream.  So comforting on a cozy winter night 🙂

Three–  This little nugget Capone.  He is my favorite pup in the world.  D has been working a lot of nights lately so Capone has become my official couch snuggle buddy.  Can’t get enough!

Four– Wine: I had a rough week at work due to some major staffing changes at work and D was the sweeetest and stocked up my wine rack with different white wines.  He is the most thoughtful man I know and I am so lucky to be able to call him my husband in a little over 4 months!!

Five– SUPER BOWL!!!  I am so excited for the Super Bowl on Sunday!! We are having a few friends over and it is sure to be an awesome day full of delicious food, yummy drinks, and most importantly, FOOTBALL!

{One of my coworkers shared some delicious broncos themed donuts with me this week}
I hope you all had an amazing week!  We are gearing up for a really cold weekend ahead but big plans to try on some different shoe styles with my wedding dress tomorrow!  More wedding stuff to come next week!
Carolina Charm

Trish Felecos

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