Managing stress…

I swear this wedding countdown is flying by me faster than I ever thought it would.  Don’t get me wrong, I am BEYOND excited for the big day.  I just have days where I feel like I check one thing off the list and three more things get added to the bottom…can anyone relate to this?! 

I know that everything will get done…and I know that I will love the end result.  I also know that we truly  have to work really hard to get everything done how we want it and stay in our budget.  {Endless amounts of money can start flowing into my bank account at annny moment…}  Only kidding here though. I know that money is not even close to the point of a wedding, but it really does add stress to all aspects of life sometimes.  During these times, I really try to relax and refocus my goals.  I try to put things into perspective.  Last night, when things were getting a bit too high-stress up in my brain, I took a little break.  I put the puppy to bed, I took a bath, and I read a book while cozied up in my bed.  It helped.

I am working every day to remember that this life is about the people we spend it with and the experiences we share together. I am so incredibly blessed in this department and I am reminded of that every single day.  D and I work hard for what we have.  We’ve been struggling since he lost his job but honestly, it’s teaching us not to spend money on things we don’t need.  We’re working off of one income and all our bills are getting paid and we still get to do things for fun.  We just have to be smart about it.  I pray every day that he gets a job soon.  I also pray that we don’t forget the lessons we are learning during this rough financial patch, we can survive and thrive with so much less than we ever thought!   

Congratulations on making it past the halfway point in the work week!  Cheers to managing stress šŸ™‚


Trish Felecos

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