Engagement Anniversary and Hello 2014!

Last night/this morning {12:02} not only marked the celebration of the ending of one year and the beginning of another, but it’s also our ONE YEAR ENGAGEMENT ANNIVERSARY!!! I have to admit that after high school days, New Year’s sort of lost its effect for me.  There was always so much pressure and build up that the night itself usually ended up being a bit of a disappointment.  Ever since last year when I got the surprise of my life and was asked to marry the love of my life, “New Year’s” has taken on a whole new level of excitement for me.
 {last year pre-proposal}
I remember every single detail of D’s proposal and I remember telling myself in the moment to take everything in because this was a HUGE moment for us and one that we would always remember and cherish.  The first detail I remember was him pulling away from me as I was leaning back on his chest, watching the fireworks in downtown Denver.  I turned around to figure out why he was moving and ask if he was okay, only to find him down on one knee.  The next moment I remember was hearing myself say “Holy shit, are you serious?!”{yes, that’s a direct quote…I blame one too many delicious alcohol-filled slushy concoctions and the fact that I was legitimately more surprised than I’ve ever been}.  My handsome man laughed and said “Yes” he was absolutely serious. And then I got my chance to say “YES!” and render myself speechless while hugging him as tight as I could. I literally forgot to let him put the ring on because I was too busy squeezing the life out of him and covering his face in kisses.  {It’s really not all about the ring ladies!}
Once I remembered that this was my chance to put the most gorgeous piece of jewelry I own on my pretty little finger, we did just that.  
Random strangers started coming up to congratulate us and I loved hearing their whispers “They are getting engaged over there!” This was OUR moment and we savored every last second of it.  Dennis’ best friend Tim captured some priceless moments for us on his camera and I will truly never be able to thank him enough for taking them.  His cousin Janelle and her husband Brandon got the whole thing on video and even more pictures to add.  I never knew how much I would cherish having these pictures and having the opportunity to look back on them for many years to come and remember the best New Year’s ever.  

 {so happy and so shocked!}

In a few days I’m going to do a “Best of 2013” recap because I love looking back at everything that’s happened over the year.  Today I will leave with where we were last year, and where we were this year, celebrating a brand new year with some of our favorite people!I hope 2014 is your best year yet!  Happy New Year!



Trish Felecos

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