Christmas Breakdown

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  We had the best time with my family back in South Dakota.  We spent 5 full days with family and friends and were spoiled with presents!  I got a bunch of nice sweaters, an amazing Clarisonic Mia 2 {can already feel a difference on my face!}, a purse, a Bronco’s jersey, and lots of other fun stuff. 

I wanted to post some pictures of our Christmas decorations because I am so happy with how they turned out this year in our apartment.  We do our best to make this apartment feel like a cozy little home and I love doing it.  It also makes me anxious/excited to have a house to decorate some day :).

We decided to put our wreath on the inside of the door so we can enjoy it in our home and avoid any chances of someone trying to take it for themselves!

 I’m slightly obsessed with the gold glittery tree I picked up  at Target.  Also the bowl of candy greeting me when I get home from work every day. Ha!  Wrapping pictures may be my favorite inexpensive way to cheer up the place.

 Stockings hung by the chimney with care šŸ™‚ 

 Kitchens need Christmas cheer too!

I took these pictures from my phone so they aren’t the greatest, but you at least get a little glimpse into our festive home!  I hope you all are enjoying your post-Christmas days and getting ready for the New Year!!


Trish Felecos

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