Less than 6 months to go!

Yesterday marked 6 months until our wedding day.  I get more and more excited with each month that passes but this one was extra special.  We’ve been engaged for nearly a year {1.1.14 officially} and while I think this year has gone by faster than any before, I truly feel like we are finally in the home stretch of our engagement. 

I have LOVED being engaged. I love that any time I introduce Dennis as my fiance {or vice versa} people smile and congratulate us and give us the chance to pretend like the news is brand new all over again.  It never gets old announcing that we are on our way to husband and wife. 

This week was also extra special because we sent out our Save the Dates in the mail, and friends and family started texting and messaging me the second they got them.  It’s difficult to put into words how insanely happy it makes me that we have such an amazing support system and that they are all just as excited as we are for our big day. 

We are spending this Sunday night simply relaxing and getting ready for a super short work week before we head off for St. Thomas! Only 3 days to go!  After months of being crazy busy, I think a little R&R is just what the doctor ordered 🙂


Trish Felecos

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