
We have had such a beautiful Colorado fall and I have been incredibly thankful for that.  HOWEVER, I’m not quite ready to let go of Fall and jump into this whole freezing cold Winter business. We had a few icy cold days last week and a sprinkling of snow and while it’s undeniably beautiful, it quadruples my commute time to work and overall just makes me want to hibernate.  {Desperately need to convince my boss I should work from home from December-March :)}

In true Colorado fashion it is supposed to be back up in the 50s this week so I am thankful our Thanksgiving weather should be perfect.  I am so excited to spend the day celebrating with D’s family, eating way too much food, and taking time to remember what this life is really all about.  I’m thankful everyday for the life I have been given but I love dedicating an entire day to being thankful.  I will be missing my family very much this year and hopefully can sneak in a chat/Skype session with them when we’re all relaxing in our turkey comas!

On a different note, I love this table setup!  I have almost burned through all of my Thanksgiving candles and I’m really looking forward to busting out the Christmasy ones next weekend.  We are slowly getting out our Christmas decorations and hope to have everything setup by the end of the week.  We are also hoping to have our Save the Dates in the mail by the end of the week!  Busy busy busy time of year but oh so worth it.

We are winding down this Sunday night by watching some Broncos football and eating pizza and wings. 🙂 Healthy food needs to be on the agenda Monday-Wednesday because Thursday is sure to be a belt-buster.

Happy Sunday/Start to Thanksgiving Week!


Trish Felecos

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