2017 Reflections

2018 is here! It totally doesn’t feel like it’s possible but here it is and I’m ready to embrace it.  You all know I love the start to a new month and the start to a new year is basically that feeling on steroids! I am easing my way into 2018 with a slow easy day at home today and lots of quality time with my favorite guys.

2017 was an amazing year.  The highlight was adding a sweet baby to our family.  Theo has fit perfectly into our little family and I feel like we never really skipped a beat. He’s so easy going and totally content going with the flow.  I was looking back at his birth story and love that I had a feeling he would have his own calm pace about him…he’s just the sweetest and I want to keep him a baby forever.

Duke impressed us with his amazing big brother skills all year.  He loves “EO” so much and watching them together is my favorite.  He turned 2 in October and has grown and changed so much.  He talks a lot more now and has the sweetest imagination, whether he’s pretending he’s Capone or cooking us food in his kitchen or chasing us around with his toy drill because something “breakt” and he needs to fix it.  He gives great hugs and kisses, has a hilarious sense of humor, loves cows, and loves holding hands.

Dennis and I celebrated 3 years of marriage, continuing to reflect on all of the crazy things we’ve crammed into 3 years.  Last night was our 5 year anniversary of our engagement.  I hope I never forget the moment Dennis proposed…I still remember exactly how I felt, a huge rush of anticipation and emotion as I watched the love of my life down on one knee in front of me with the most beautiful ring in a box. I knew our lives would never be the same and I was right.  It’s been the best adventure so far and I have a feeling this year will be filled with even more excitement.

We took a lot of fun trips this year.  Okoboji to celebrate Dennis’ birthday, Colorado for weddings, family visits, and meeting my new baby niece, Charleston with my girlfriends…I hope 2018 is filled with lots of travel as well!

We spent a lot of time at the pool this summer, a lot of time snuggling and acclimating to life as a family of 4, and a lot of time at USD football and basketball games. 

Our first Christmas in our home this year was amazing.  There is simply nothing better than seeing all the excitement of the holiday season through the eyes of babies! They just know it’s special and have no qualms just soaking up the moments.  We slowed down a bit this year and really just savored the moments and I loved every second. 

We are so happy here and I am so thankful we opted to move in 2016.  I have met amazing friends and truly feel like I have that ‘village’ I always hear about.  People I could call on a moment’s notice who would be there for our little family.  Dennis and I are both involved in different groups- pool league and golf league for him, book club and countless wine nights for me, plus the local United Way Board. 🙂 I’ve also been meeting some wonderful people through my Rodan + Fields business.  In 2018 I hope to be more present, unplug more often, be more active, blog more, and go on more dates with my husband. I hope you all had a wonderful time ringing in the New Year…we got a babysitter and went out with a bunch of friends. We stayed out too late and had an absolute blast…narrowly escaping freezing to death in the ridiculously frigid temperatures!

Happy New Year!!


Trish Felecos

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