Sugar Rush

We had a perfectly festive weekend that included Santa sightings and so many cookies!

On Friday night my sister watched the boys so Dennis  and I could go to an ugly sweater party. We ate really delicious food, drank Moscow mules that were a little too delicious and had a really great time with our friends.

We went to the Coyote basketball game on Saturday to visit Santa.  Duke is obsessed with ‘boball’ and ‘arlie’- basketball and Charlie the mascot– so we have been loving the games and couldn’t pass up our 3rd Santa visit this month.  Got to make sure we made the nice list! Duke said he was going to give Santa a high five but he did not want to sit on his lap.  When we got up to the concourse, Santa AND Mrs. Claus were prepped with candy canes and ready for pictures.  Duke managed to give Santa a high five and stood near him for a quick photo op.  Theo was a champion and sat on Santa’s lap while making eyes at his lady friend. Always a charmer. 

A week or so ago I saw a video on Facebook with adorable Christmas cookie ideas and within an hour my sister texted my mom and I and asked if we wanted to have a cookie baking party over the weekend.  Yessss! She loaded up on ingredients at the store and we all brought extra mixing bowls and baking sheets over to my mom’s house around lunch on Sunday.  I had high hopes that my baking skills would be on point, which is ridiculous because I’m probably the worst cookie baker on the planet.  We tried out some fun and festive ideas that were a bit of a flop but ended up with dozens of beautifully decorated sugar cookies! By beautiful, I mean most of them had candy eyes, loads of sprinkles, and a spotty frosting job.  But we had fun and that’s what counts, right?! 🙂 

My mom bought a giant Rice Krispie treat sheet with the hopes that the kids would all help decorate it.  After a few globs of frosting were added, both Duke and Ashlan decided to start eating their pieces and to their dismay we had to pry the giant marshmallow treats out of their hands after awhile.

The big kids decorated ginger bread houses and my dad even stepped into to help dip caramel covered pretzels in chocolate and taste test our creations.  All the while, Dennis was out of town Christmas shopping and Theo was either napping or rolling around on the floor.  The day was awesome and we left with a  Tupperware full of treats for each of our houses plus plenty to save for all of our Christmas festivities next weekend.

The weather has been unseasonably warm this week but we are due for a brutal cold front at the end of the week.  Think we’ll have a white Christmas?!  I can’t wait to be off work for a few days and see my sister, brother in law and niece from Colorado.  I have a few more last minute gifts arriving in the mail this week and we’ll be ready!

Happy Tuesday friends! I hope you’re all enjoying this holiday season and eating more than your fair share of cookies.


Trish Felecos

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