3 Years in the Books

On Wednesday, Dennis and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary. 3 years has flown by in a blur of babies, moves and job changes! 

We spent the first 2 years in Colorado and year 3 in South Dakota. We’ve gone on trips…Boston, Vermont, New Orleans, Nantucket…been to fun concerts and baseball games. We’ve had 2 babies, lived in 4 homes, switched jobs more than a few times. It’s been a busy, chaotic, fun, happy 3 years. 

My favorite thing about being married to this guy is always knowing I have my best friend with me.  We don’t always agree and we’re constantly compromising and figuring out what makes the other tick. Being married is a lot different with kids than it was without. So much of our energy goes into the boys that many nights we just end up collapsed next to each other, not saying much, just being there together. And that’s okay- this season of life is all about the babies!

We sent the boys to my parents on Wednesday night to celebrate with a date. We went to one of our favorite restaurants, Red and then saw a movie.  It was wonderful. Really good food and drinks. When it’s just the two of us and we can have an actual conversation, we like to talk about trips we want to go on, dreams we have for a house we want to build someday, etc. We’re hoping to start a tradition of an anniversary trip and I think we’ll start next year. I don’t want us to put things off and live in the land of “someday”… if we want it to happen, we have to make it happen, and there’s always a way. If there is one thing my sweet husband has taught me, it’s to relax and enjoy life.

Cheers to 3 wonderful years! Now to go dig out our table 3 book from the wedding and see what advice people left for us! 


Trish Felecos

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