Easter 2017

We had quite the Easter weekend this year so I want to make sure and document it before it’s all a blur {time seems to be FLYING these days!}.  My sister Jen got to town on Thursday afternoon so we have had lots of awesome sister time over the past 5 days. We even sent Duke and my nieces to daycare on Monday so the three of us could soak up baby Theo time and actually have conversations with each other that involved full sentences. 

Anyway, back to Easter! There was an Easter egg hunt that the care center in town puts on Thursday at 5 so we all met there and prepared for 3 rounds of egg hunts! Duke was in the first round and I was shocked he knew what was up right away.  He was spotting the eggs and didn’t want to wait for the “Ready, Set, Go” direction so by the time it was finally said, he was taking off!  He had his own little section just long enough to get 6 eggs before kids started swarming in and picking them up faster than we could get to them.  Regardless he loved it and tried to participate in both of the older kid rounds that quickly followed his.  Once all the kids were finished, we loaded up and headed downtown to a new restaurant and dug into 27 {seemed like it anyway} different appetizers/shareable plates of food.  Sliders, giant pretzels, dips, etc were passed around and washed down with some yummy beers on tap. 


Friday was all about more family time and hanging out with our crazy crew.  We played and took the kids to the library in the afternoon for a change of scenery and different set of toys and distraction.  We made breakfast for dinner at my parents house and tried to get the kids to bed at a decent time since we knew it would be a long weekend.  Dennis had to work on Saturday morning as usual and I had a baby shower to go to, so I got the boys ready and loaded them up in the stroller for a walk downtown to the shower location.  I am so thankful we leave just a few blocks from downtown and was able to break out our double stroller for the first time!  Duke is obsessed with going on walks right now and the weather was just right.  He continued to play in the stroller nearly the entire shower and Theo was passed around to lots of different family members who were anxious to meet him.  Afterwards we went to my sisters and did another egg hunt for the little ones plus some egg dyeing {Duke lasted about 6 seconds before I switched him to fake eggs and water}.  We filled his eggs with animal crackers and yogurt melts since we learned on Thursday he wants to open up all the eggs and immediately eat whatever is hiding inside.

We were up for the day around 7:30 on Easter Sunday which left us plenty of time to get the boys breakfast and baths before putting on their Easter outfits.  We opted for super cozy for Theo since I assumed he would only be a week old at this point, but honestly, I hate putting babies in anything resembling real clothes {aka uncomfortable fabrics} until they are much older!  Duke was killing it in his bowtie and suspenders again this year but we totally missed the boat on finding Dennis a matching ensemble.  Goals for next year.  ๐Ÿ™‚

After a pretty successful, minimal tantrum church service, we met up with our extended family at my aunt and uncles house for lots of delicious food, more introductions for Theo and another egg hunt which was definitely the highlight of the 3.  There were a TON of eggs and Duke was able to take his time walking around and finding some hidden especially for him while the older kids ran around the yard and collected their own loot.  It was gorgeous out so we all hung out outside and chatted until it was time to retire home around 3 for naps all around.  We grilled out at my parents later that night and had a relaxing evening after a jam packed few days. 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and beautiful Easter celebration!  The weather here has been absolute perfection so we’ve been trying to get outside and enjoy it as much as possible.  Sunshine = happiness in my book! 

Happy Tuesday ๐Ÿ™‚


Trish Felecos

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