My Valentines

Happy Valentine’s Day friends! I hope you are taking a moment to make the people in your life feel a little extra special today.  Because…why not?!  I love an excuse to be more intentional and these days I feel like I need the reminder. 
I have the sweetest Valentines in my life right now and I thank God every day for them.  Duke was in the best mood yesterday…the sun was shining and we were being extra silly after daycare pickup so I took advantage and snapped some pictures of my sweet boy.  He’s always on the move these days so it’s hard to catch him in action but I want to make sure these days are documented because they are the best!  He got to have a ‘guys night’ with his daddy while I went to Chick Flick night with my mom and sister last night so wins all around.  I saw Breakfast at Tiffany’s for the first time ever and even though it was a little bit weird, I kind of loved it.

Before I left, I snapped a couple of pictures of their shenanigans.  Duke is obsessed with touching the lights and ceilings in our house and tries to get me to lift him up to do it but that’s just not happening with this belly and his 27lbs.  Daddy to the rescue…

Today we got the sweetest little Valentine’s gift with an ultrasound to see our sweet boy.  He looks JUST like his brother and I am dying to kiss those sweet little lips!  8ish more weeks baby boy!

Lastly, all props to Dennis who is the King of Valentine’s Day.  He always leaves me surprises throughout the day, including multiple sweet cards and tons of chocolate.  This giant card was in my car after our appointment this morning and this was after he had Duke give me a card and chocolates this morning.  He also made a ridiculously good Valentine’s dinner on Sunday night- homemade calzones, salad, and apple pie! Love you to the moon and back hubs!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Trish Felecos

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