FRIDAY! First Snow Edition

Happy Friday friends! I am really looking forward to a jam packed weekend full of fun.  Tonight I’m going to my first ever bunco party, assuming this blizzard we are in lightens up.  Tomorrow we have the last home football game for the University and MAJOR house prep for a holiday vendor event I am hosting on Sunday! Then I have a super short work week before I get to hunker down and enjoy Gilmore Girls Thanksgiving with the fam. 

Today was the very first snow of the season and I have to say that there is something so magical about the first snow! I was wide eyed this morning and tip toeing around the house, peeking out the windows to see the soft white stuff covering EVERYTHING outside.  Our fence, every tree branch, etc. The wind is whipping around out there so the snow is sticking to everything and so pretty.  Ask me if I still think it’s pretty tomorrow…

My sister sent me a bunch of pictures from Duke’s birthday party a few weeks ago and I am swooning over my little chubby superman.  I’m really happy we went with a Superman theme for the party because it mimicked one of my baby showers, Duke’s first Halloween, and his daddy’s obsession with his favorite super hero.  I found his outfit on Etsy and it was worth every single penny! He was adorable and it’s so well made that I know we can get some awesome pictures done with him in it when I get my life together enough to book something.

This hand treatment is on it’s way to me and I’m really excited. My hands have been SO SO dry and I don’t know if it’s the change in weather or this pregnancy that is sucking all of the moisture out of me, but I need a fix and I think this will do the trick!
I created a Christmas Wish List on Amazon to send to the hubs and my family and I’m pretty excited about it. I love getting to pick out the actual things I want {size, color, style, etc.} and I’m hoping my family jumps on the bandwagon and creates some for themselves so I can start shopping! Hint, hint…
jacket // candle // book // hat // purse // suitcase

Duke is a monster snuggler in the evenings. He rarely wants to be put down and will hook his little legs around me as tight as can be when he senses I’m trying to put him down. I’ve decided to embrace it, {easier said than done when my round ligament pain makes walking difficult…} because I know soon enough I’ll have 2 little monkeys clamoring for attention!  I can’t get over how happy and hilarious he is and I absolutely love the extra attention and love we get from him right now. 

Hope you all have a wonderful, warm and cozy day!

Trish Felecos

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