Football, ear infections, more football…Happy Friday!

Friday hasn’t looked this sweet in awhile my friends. I am so excited for a weekend full of BBQ, Football, and maybe a nap or 2.  Until then, let’s dive into a few of my favorite things happening this week.
We had Duke decked out in his Broncos gear yesterday to celebrate the start of football season! I hate preseason and don’t think it counts for anything, so yesterday was my true kickoff into the awesomeness that is the NFL.  Unfortunately we spent 2 hours at the clinic hoping for a negative strep test {which he got} but found out he has a double ear infection and super sore throat.  Poor nugget cannot catch a break now that he’s in daycare!  I keep reminding myself it will make his little immune system so much stronger in the future.

He got really good at practicing the “open wide” but wasn’t thrilled with the strep swab.

Since Duke is at daycare, his bedtime has moved up to 7/7:30 and that means Capone gets lots more attention and way more snuggles in the evenings that he was the previous 9 months. 

Stairs are Duke’s newest obsession and he will literally get to them and wait until I see him so he can laugh and take off as fast as possible.  These were taken at my sisters house the other day as he made it up one flight and rounded for the second. He had to stop halfway up for some yoga poses, because, duh.

Other than that our week was just the usual case of nutty.  Dennis is working later some nights when he has to close and I don’t love the solo evenings of wrestling a very sleepy baby and trying to tackle dinner, bath, and bedtime.  I’m thankful for anytime with my little man, but definitely prefer the 3 of us together!  Cheers to Dennis having the weekend off, the first USD football home game, and a little rib fest downtown! Happy Weekend!


Trish Felecos

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