5 Months!

This past week has flown by.  I had so many plans and ideas of things to do for the weekend and then I developed a horrid flu on Thursday night and, aside from a few activities, I was completely out of commission until Sunday night.  It goes without saying that unexpected events can sometimes get in the way of our plans. It is bound to happen sooner or later. If you’re anything like me, it can take some time to get back into a rhythm and routine after being thrown off track. 

My goal this week is to set a few manageable goals that I can check off my list by the weekend.{Yes, making goals can be a goal ;)} I am hoping this will help to get me back into a routine and kick off this new year right.

  • Email our amazing ‘Cake Lady’ a few different cupcake flavors to have at our tasting next week.
  • Decide if I want anything in  my hair for the wedding, and if so, bring some ideas to my hair trial on Saturday.
  • Find a delicious chili recipe for the chili cookoff we’ll be going to on the 25th {this doesn’t have to be done this week but I want to start coming up with ideas…}
  • Follow-up with renter’s insurance agent about our claim.  Dennis’ car was broken into and we are still waiting for everything to be settled!

That is it for this week! I am anxious to get back into working a normal schedule, getting important wedding items checked off our to-do list, and planning/writing all of our events for the next year on our 2014 family calendar!  Only 5 months to go before our BIG DAY and the days are all filling up fast!

I hope you all are having a relaxing Tuesday night!


Trish Felecos

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