Bisquick Ultimate Chicken Fingers {Recipe}

Happy Hump Day all!  I am so excited to be halfway through the work week!  Tomorrow my awesome friend Ashley and I are going to the Lady Antebellum concert here in Denver and I cannot wait!! We bought our tickets in September and the show was originally scheduled for November…we were so disappointed when it got postponed to January but it is FINALLY HERE!  Hopefully I can squeeze a recap of it into my Five on Friday this week.
Anyway, I am getting a little ahead of myself 🙂  Today is all about easy week night meals.  I made these Ultimate Chicken Fingers for dinner last night and we LOVED them.  They were so quick and easy and absolutely delicious.  Plus they were baked so that makes them health-ier right?
I found the recipe on the back of my Bisquick box you can find it here or below 🙂 

 I served this up with some yummy Parmesan rice and corn.  We only made enough chicken for two servings but next time I definitely want to make extra and add it to my salad the next day for lunch!

D is at work tonight so I’m hoping to cook up something simple for one.  Early next week {or this weekend if I can make it happen} I will be posting a yummy shredded beef taco recipe and a chili recipe. Yumyumyum!

Hope you all have a nice relaxing night!


Trish Felecos

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