‘Tis the Season

And the season is oh so jolly this year.  It is no secret this year has been extra special for us.  But last year was special too {wedding} and the year before that was also special {engagement}.  Ever since I met my husband in 2011 and we started dating in 2012, I feel like my life has been getting better and better each year.  We have so many things to be thankful for, I couldn’t possibly list them all.  This holiday season, I am holding my boys close and thanking God for them every day.  I am doing my best to be present, to live in the moment, and to savor this time in my life where my only job is loving and caring for my family.  I would give just about anything to have this be my only job for longer than the next 7 weeks but that’s a story for a different day. 

2014-  Family of 3 with our fur baby //  2015- Baby Duke’s first Christmas!

One of my very favorite things about this season is the decorations!  We don’t have a ton, but try to add bits of Christmas cheer wherever we can.  I am hoping that we can get a real tree next year!  For now, please enjoy far too many pictures of our decorations 🙂 

I wouldn’t mind a life-size version of this tree!

I love our little nativity scene

Our stockings are missing but will hopefully be delivered soon!

We might love cookies more than Santa…

Our tree!

December = Christmas jammies and outfits all day every day!  Duke is excited about it and all the kisses he’s getting.

Santa butts…that is all.

My heart about burst watching him take in his first Christmas tree!

I love the month of December and I couldn’t be more excited about Duke’s first Christmas.  Our boy is already growing so fast and he gets more interactive and smiley by the day. Except during a growth spurt…then we aren’t quite as smiley!  Growing is hard work.  I am loving this life and this season with my boys and I hope you’re all soaking up the joys of the holidays!


Trish Felecos

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