Five on Friday

It may be late in the day, but I am here for my favorite weekly link-up!  This post seemed to take me hours to get together because I have a very cranky, teething, almost 4-month old boy on my hands!
ONE- Bumpo!  
We tested this out a few weeks ago and Duke was not having it, but after seeing my cousin post a picture of her little one hanging out in the seat, I decided to bust it out again.  I’m happy to report it was a success!  He is able to sit up and play with toys and I think he likes his new view.  In other news- please ignore the million things from this past weekend cluttered on my dining room table.  I’m happy to report they are finally put away…it only took me 4 days. 
TWO- Teething
So…teething sure is fun!  Ha.  All sarcasm aside, I do feel like Duke is handling it pretty well.  I just don’t know why my boy has to grow up so quickly!  He’s been showing the signs of teething for a few weeks, drool, irritability, chewing on everything, and funny things like sucking in his bottom lip and rubbing his tongue over his gums.  BUT as you can see, the bottom two are making there way through!  I will miss that gummy smile but I imagine seeing two little toofers sticking out will be equally cute. 
THREE-  Visiting Daddy at Work
We are a one-car household at the moment, so Dennis carpools with awesome friends a couple days a week so I can have the car and not completely lose my mind get out of the house every once in awhile.  We like to go visit him at work when we can and it was SO nice out this week that we took advantage and sat outside for one of his breaks.  Getting out of the house + sunshine + hubs time = all good in my book. 

FOUR-  Jayhawks…and Blowouts

I’m going to chalk it up to coincidence but both times I’ve put my boy in his Jayhawks gear, he’s managed to either pee through the whole outfit, or soil it in a grosser way.  Maybe it’s my fault for naming him Duke?!  Who knows…either way, that smile, makes every nasty clean up more than worth it.

FIVE-  Good eatin’
One thing I love about being at home is having more motivation to mix-up our weekly meal routine.  I certainly get caught up in cooking and creativity ruts {did someone say chicken and rice on repeat?} and it’s been really nice to plan out our weekly meals on Sundays and throw in a few new recipes.  Two dishes I loved this week were stuffed peppers and pasta with beef and my husband’s AMAZING homemade red sauce {family recipe}. 
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!  Until next time…

Trish Felecos

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