Thoughtful Thursday

Happy Friday- Eve everyone!  I feel like time has been on turbo-speed setting lately…where are the days going?!  We are doing our best to cram in as much quality time with our favorite people as we can- and so far we’ve been pretty successful!  But man, it’s making for some packed weeks/weekends and causing me to freak out get a bit anxious about our big move.

I stumbled upon this graphic the other day and I absolutely love it.  I’ve been reflecting a lot on the past 5 1/2 years since I moved to Denver, and I must say, I’ve never been in the same place as the year before!  From moving out here on my own, single and jobless, to meeting the love of my life, getting married, moving to new apartments, promotions at work, and having a baby, it’s safe to say that these years have been the best of my life {so far}.  All because I wasn’t afraid took some chances.  I was certainly afraid and feared monumental failures, but I didn’t let that stop me from going after things I wanted.  

With Duke in our lives now, it’s more important than ever, that we aren’t afraid to work hard and go after our big dreams!  We might not get everything we want, but I guarantee we’ll have everything we need and I hope Duke will grow up with the courage to push fear aside, and try new things.

With less than 2 months to go until our new adventure, I am going to soak up these crazy days/weeks with our favorite CO people.  I know next year will find us in a very different place than we’re in today and I know great things are in store for my little family.  Happy Thursday everyone!


Trish Felecos

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