Coffee was made for Mondays

You know what makes Monday mornings a little sweeter?  A delicious cup of coffee…I’m living vicariously through this one right now because mine isn’t nearly as beautiful, but you can bet your pretty little self that I’m sipping on a yummy caffeinated concoction riiiight about now.

Anyway, we had a wonderful weekend and you know I love nothing better than reliving weekend goodness on a Monday, so let’s do this!
We’re off to see the Wizard…
My mom, her friend Cindy, and my sister and I all went to the Wizard of Oz play on Friday night, put on by our local community theater.  They did a really great job and we all loved the show!  It was nice to have a night out with just us girls and still make it home and in bed by 11 p.m.  My kinda night.

Duke had a bit of a rough night Friday night but thankfully slept in a bit and got in a solid nap before we took off for Wild Water West at noon on Saturday.  We had a car full of 4 adults and 3 minis and we passed our time watching the Lion King on the hour ride to the water park. 
No burns and we were in the sun all day!

Love my little fam.

Unfortunately, Duke was really not impressed with the water portion of the water park. -_-  He LOVES bathtime but wasn’t digging the less than warm water all over the park.  He clung to me like a baby koala and made sure he’s little feet were at my shoulders up high enough that they wouldn’t get wet.  I really couldn’t blame him because the water was pretty chilly but I was bummed he couldn’t enjoy the day as  much as the rest of us did.  We still were able to get plenty of laps around the lazy river, go down the slides 37 times and splash around in the wave pool.

Sunscreen hair don’t care.

We made a pit stop at the mall to pick up some things for my mom and headed back home around 7:30.  Duke crashed hard and I followed shortly after.  It was juuuust the summer day I was looking for!
Professional slide rider

Signs of a successful day

Backseat chats

Dennis had to work yesterday {so thankful he has a job but weekend hours are going to take some getting used to!} and Duke and I enjoyed the day just the two of us.  I got some cleaning done so our lives could be a little organized before the work/daycare week started and squeezed in plenty of giggles, snuggles, and playtime.  And this guy got in plenty of naps. 😉

Hope you all are kicking some Monday booty! 
P.S.  The Optimistic Duke almost to 20,000 views!  You guys are the BEST so stay tuned for a fun giveaway once we hit it!

Trish Felecos

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