The Secret is OUT!

If you’ve noticed the relative radio silence on the blog the past few weeks, I promise there has been a reason.  It is SO HARD for me to write in this space when I can’t share the one thing that is occupying my thoughts 98% of the time.  What’s been eating up all my brain space, you ask?  Well…

Yep! You read that right!  This sweet little nugget boy is going to be a BIG BROTHER!  How? What? When?!  Trust me, all of these questions {okay, except for the how part because…c’mon} and more have been running through our heads since we found out in July!  We are SO EXCITED!  We were a little surprised, but not having to even think about getting pregnant this time around is such a blessing.  You remember how I felt last time and we only had to try for 6 months!  Anyway, baby #2 will be arriving sometime in April so she this nugget will be 18 months apart from Duke!  Cue the 2 under 2 chaos.  For those curious, here’s my answers to a few common questions I’ve received!

How far along are you and how are you feeling? 12.5 weeks!  We don’t know what we are having yet, but I have been so sick and so miserable this time around that I keep referring to the baby as a “she” because it’s quite a bit different than my pregnancy with Duke. I was still incredibly nauseous with him and got sick a few times, but this time around I actually had to get a prescription to help out and I spent multiple days completely down for the count and hardly able to get out of bed.  It’s obviously different when I’m chasing Duke all over the place and have very little spare time where my mind isn’t racing a million miles an hour, but I’ve been praying for some relief that will hopefully come in the form of the 2nd trimester any day now. 

How did you find out?  Dennis had a feeling before I did because I kept complaining about feeling like I could not get full! I am still holding on to some lbs from my pregnancy with Duke so I was starting to get really frustrated that I couldn’t seem to satisfy my appetite.  Once I realized what might be happening, I briefly ran home from work one morning and took a test.  Dennis hadn’t left for work yet so he, Duke, and I were all together when Dennis read the results. 
Me: “What’s it say? It’s negative right? Totally negative, I’m sure I’m just a few days late.”
D: blank stare, slight grin, turns test around
Me: INSTANT tears, excitement, panic, holy shit

Will you find out the gender?  Heck yes we will! I literally don’t have a clue how people can not find out.  I would never make it!  This appointment will likely be around 21 weeks so we’ve got a ways to go. For the record, all my money is on GIRL.

Do you have a name? If it’s a girl, yes! We will likely keep it a secret like we did with Duke, but we’ll see what happens. If it’s a boy, we’re screwed 😉

Anyway,  I am SO HAPPY I can share this news freely now and hope you all will share in our excitement!


Trish Felecos

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