36 Weeks // Weekend Happenings

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I feel like it absolutely FLEW by, but I am starting this week feeling 100x calmer than most because we got so many things checked off our to-do list.  
We kicked off our weekend on Friday night with lots of playtime with our favorite guy.  He felt the need to spend it like this:  

But he didn’t pee on the floor so we didn’t mind.  99% sure we ate mac n cheese for dinner, watched a movie and I fell asleep by 10 p.m…Dennis put this dresser together for Duke’s new room after I went to sleep and it was a perfect surprise to wake up to Saturday morning!

On Saturday I was up and at em so I could get a few things done before Duke woke up.  When he did, we ate breakfast {i.e. he got yogurt and peanut butter toast ALL OVER himself and anything within touching distance}, he took a bath and we headed to the airport to pick up my friend Nancy.  He slept most of the way up and back after a bit of a meltdown but there was Starbucks, best friend chats, and few distractions so I was happy for the little escape.

When we got back to town we headed over to my sister’s to hang out for the rest of the day and hear all about their trip to Mexico to celebrate 10 years of wedded bliss. We ate way too much lasagna, got some fun presents, listened to the kids wrestle and bicker for 5 hours and headed home happy and sleepy around 9:30. 

Duke is a champion and took daylight savings time in stride, sleeping in until after 10 a.m. on Sunday.  He needs his 12 hours of sleep and doesn’t really care when it starts/ends so we have a little more flexibility on the weekends.  I couldn’t believe it when I woke up and realized how late we had all slept in so we decided brunch was totally necessary to celebrate. šŸ˜‰  We ate our weight in pancakes and waffles and spent the rest of the day being productive. 

Aside from the rug that is on it’s way, Duke’s room is complete! I’m still not sure when we’ll move him in there but I love that the furniture is in place, clothes are in drawers, pictures are on the walls, and it’s ready when we’re ready.

We went through some bags of hand-me-down clothes I’ve been avoiding, did tons of laundry and random house tidying, and ended the night with ice cream {me} and accidentally falling asleep while putting Duke to bed {Dennis}. I went upstairs around 9:15 to figure out what had happened when Dennis never came back down after supposedly laying Duke down.  Turns out, little man was having a rough time and needed some snuggles so I found them both in our bed completely passed out and snoring. šŸ™‚

Wish us luck for our 36 week appointment tomorrow! Hoping we find out little man has flipped over and is in proper position for a normal delivery. Also, here’s hoping I can kick the ice cream/cereal/breakfast sandwich addictions I’ve started during this pregnancy as soon as he comes out.  -_-

Cheers to an awesome week!


Trish Felecos

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