Birthdays and Mother’s Day 2017

I meant to write this post a week ago and then we left for Colorado for the week and now here we are. We had a really wonderful weekend over Mother’s Day and I wanted to make sure and get a quick post and a bunch of cute pictures up here to look back on someday!

On the Friday before Mother’s Day my sister had planned a 40th birthday celebration for my brother-in-law. We were super excited to get to celebrate him and possibly even more excited for some adult quality time and plenty of food and drinks! Kids were welcome and we knew they would be running around and entertaining each other so we were able to really enjoy ourselves.

Duke was up partying until about 11 when he finally crashed and we decided he would spend the night at my sisters so Dennis and I could stay and hang out with everybody for longer. We played corn hole and chatted with friends and family until the wee hours of the morning when we finally headed home to crash. Dennis had to go to work on Saturday morning so I loaded up Theo and headed to my sisters to get Duke. He and my niece were loving playing with all of the party leftovers.

When Dennis got off work we decided a nap was necessary for everybody, and all crashed for two solid hours. It was glorious. When we all woke up we decided to load up the car and head over to Yankton to grab dinner and pick up some flowers I was hoping to plant on Mother’s Day. Duke offered to drive…

Getting him to come inside or get in the car when it’s nice out is nearly impossible. He loves playing outside, throwing his pacifier into buckets, feeding Capone whatever snacks he has on hand, and trying to rake the yard with the adult size rake even though he has one his own size now.

My mom’s birthday is always around Mother’s Day and this year they were the same day so we asked her what she wanted to do to celebrate. We opted for brunch at one of our favorite restaurants in town and had reservations for 11:45 AM on Mother’s Day. Everyone else in the family made it to church that morning but we decided to sleep in and take our time getting ready. Dennis is the best at holidays. He snuck into Duke’s room when he woke up and gave him a stack of cards to bring to me. He had this cute song playing on his phone and Duke crawled into bed with me and he and Theo snuggled up while I opened and read my cards. I feel like he could sense it was a special day because he was as sweet and snuggly as ever.

We got ready for brunch and despite Duke’s face in the below picture, we had an awesome time eating way too much food and drinking mimosas.

When we got home, both boys napped while I planted flowers and Dennis mowed the lawn.  It was HOT out but I was enjoying the sunshine and getting my hands dirty.  I haven’t planted flowers in YEARS and it was nice to do something to pretty-up our house for the Spring/Summer!

Baths were totally necessary after all that hard work aka outdoor napping

Since Mother’s Day weekend, it’s been super rainy and a little chilly so we are itching for nicer weather again so we can get out on more walks.  I’ve got my eye on some outdoor entertainment for Duke too…anyone have experience with this, this or this… or recommendations??

Happy Wednesday Friends!


Trish Felecos

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