Giving Back

I’m doing something a little different in today’s post, but stay with me! Most of you know I started a job in nonprofit last year.  I had never worked in the nonprofit industry before, and I hardly donated to anything unless a GoFundMe caught my eye on Facebook.  Sad, but true!  I have learned so much in the past year and started including donations in our budget to make sure we are giving back to our community and causes that are important to us. I’m also on the board of the local United Way and have been completely humbled by the work that this organization does as well as the tough decisions that have to be made when you look at all of the organizations who need money vs. the actual money you have to work with.
I’d love to hear from you and the ways you give back below in the comments section.  Here are a couple of organizations we like to support:

United Way

I mentioned that I’m on the board for our local United Way, and I have to admit that even though my mom used to be President on the Board, I had no idea just how much the United Way supported my local community.  From meal programs, shelter, creative programming for kids, senior citizen support, and more, the United Way raises money to help support a wide variety of community needs.  To see a list of the organizations we support, you can go here. I am so thankful to be learning more about the impact that we can have and I’m running a special fundraising effort for the month of July in conjunction with my Rodan + Fields business.  I will donate 20% of all sales in the month of July to support this organization!  Now you can get great skin AND give back. Win win!

University of South Dakota

While USD isn’t my alma mater, it’s always been a special place to me! My grandpa Beanie coached football here and was the Athletic Director.  My grandpa Moose was always a huge supporter and incredibly involved with the athletic programs.  My dad and a couple of uncles all proudly wore their red + white on the football field and I grew up going to games.  Obviously working for the USD Foundation has given me a completely different perspective and insight into just how much these donated dollars change the lives of the students that choose to go here.  I’m partial to athletic programs and student athletes right now, but will also start to include donations to the English department soon…cheers to liberal arts majors!

St. Agnes Church + School

I attended our local Catholic elementary school growing up and we love this Church.  We don’t go as often as we’d like to, and last time was a bit traumatic (ha!), but our faith is very important to us so we try to give back when we can!

Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership
I attended the HOBY world leadership conference when I was in high school and I cannot say enough good things about how this organization helped to shape me as a leader today.  I met some amazing people and still keep in touch with some of them, including my team leader Jacie. She is still very involved and I try to support her area (Cal-Central) when I can. And of course, HOBY South Dakota is where I got my start!

If you’re interested in checking out ways to get involved with other nonprofits or host your own non profit event, go here

Happy Monday friends! I’ll be coming back this week with Theo’s 3-month update and a 4th of July recap. For now, Dennis and I dropped the boys at daycare and are having a day date!

Trish Felecos

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